Can we all take a moment to celebrate the triumph of Donald Trump shutting down the Predict program in October 2019.
The Predict program was a “government research program, which sought to identify animal viruses that might infect humans and to head off new pandemics.”
Surely this is one of Trump’s most glorious acts. a government funded lab in China cause this problem in the first place. The pressure China feels to research and create bioweapons comes from them wanting to keep up with the West who spends large amounts doing the same.
"trained about 5,000 people in 30 African and Asian countries, and has built or strengthened 60 medical research laboratories, mostly in poor countries."
I realize this program sounds fairly harmless on the surface, but at the end of the day it still funded 60 labs researching viruses mostly in countries other than our own. Who is to say what these poorer countries and their corrupt leaders will do with the labs. Could come in handy if they go rogue and want to make a bioweapon to hurt their own people or enemies. Im glad its gone tbh.
Giving poor countries money that can be used for weapons research rarely ends well. To me this whole thing smells like an excuse to hand over money to corrupt foreign regimes in exchange for increased U.S. influence in doing the kind of shit we love best, causing tons of trouble in all poor countries who dont kiss our ass at all times.