Even though real demand fell off a cliff quite a few years ago. Americans and much of the world citizens are completely tapped out, from all the personal household debt, student loan debt, and lack of income growth. They can't consume any more stuff. And they are starting to not even desire any more stuff, willing to live and be happy with less.
Yeah, nobody needs a faster computer or better smartphone these days.
Tech companies saw this years ago, and desperately tried to invent new types of products: smart watches, fitness trackers, VR... but nobody needs this shit.
Now they're trying foldable smartphones, ha!
Exactly. Not only that, but as a prerequisite to buying more stuff (e.g., furniture, household accessories, pictures/paintings, collectibles, etc.) you need somewhere to put all that stuff, i.e. a sizeable house like people their age bought back in the early 2000's. But with house prices doubling in just the last 5 years, young and middle-aged people can't even afford a nice/big house any longer. So they settle with a small apartment, where space is limited. Likewise many retirees are downsizing or have already downsized. People have cut waay back on buying more of everything: new clothes, new gadgets, new jewelry, new household items, new cars, etc.
It could literally be another decade or two before people start buying stuff again, but that would be predicated on income growth actually moving up again. Don't see that happening any time soon either.