The fact of the matter is that it was the boomers who voted in socialism in practically the entire world. They deserve to die, and they need to die before we have even the possibility of building something better.
And I'm saying this as someone with old parents. Good parents at that, even. But a few worthwhile people, if they are, do not make up for an entire world run by old people who deliberately make things worse.
If Corona-chan kills most people over 60 and stops unlimited immigration, then it may in the long run turn out to be a good thing. Even better if the world turns on the chinese for releasing it.
Our elders still have a lifetime of valuable experiences to share, I'm not quite ready to give them up.
No they don't. An easy and safe life does not breed wisdom.
I'd wager you have had it 100x easier and safer. I'm not a boomer but I have no desire to see them killed. Everyone of those people you casually and cruelly dismiss has a full lifetime of experience, pain, heartache, joy, and knowledge.
Have some heart and if you can't muster up a basic level of humanity at least think of self preservation. Icygreen has it absolutely correct.
Maybe you should actually talk to some older people sometime instead of living out your bigoted uneducated self-defeating prejudices online. When/if the shit really hits the fan many will be completely unprepared for reality and relying on some aging boomer to show them how to find clean drinking water or repair an engine or a million other skills people learned as a matter of course pre-internet.
You think they had it easy because they spent their lifetimes helping make YOUR life easy. Wishing death on millions because you think they are in your way is juvenile at best and psychopathic at worst.
I'm a capitalist living in a socialist country, and culture always keeps moving further to the left over time. I can assure you I have not had it easy. Safe yes, not safer, but not easy or easier.
It's not casual and it's not cruel. Unlike the boomers, I want a society that continues to work after I'm dead. Socialism does not work comrade.
You are doing nothing but appealing to emotion. That is how communism happens. You can't run an economy, or a society, on emotion.