Right, it’s low enough now. Logging onto laptop to buy 0.5BTC.
... for my wage to arrive at my bank account later today. I am going to place a huge buying wall of 0.077
BTC at CB. This will stop the crash for sure!
Bears, you have been warned!
I told myself I’d always keep X amount of fiat in savings. I’ve spent 75% of my fiat savings on corn which included some inheritance from an Aunt in the last 18 months.
So much for being sensible.
Fiat savings are junk though, I’ll make way more probably in just 6 months from corn appreciating in value than I would in decades sitting in a UK bank.
I've done almost exactly the same thing...
But, as things turned out, leaving a good amount of money in fiat wasn't the wisest thing to do... Had I invested everything in Bitcoin back in 2015, I would now have multiplied it by a factor of at least x50. And I could still convert the original capital (or more) to fiat and keep the rest in Bitcoin.
But playing with your life's savings like that is a risk, and going all-in isn't easy. Still, I can't complain. My 75% investment has paid off VERY nicely, and is expected to rise even more, perhaps an order of magnitude more that today's numbers. This was a wet dream 5 years ago, but now it's a possibility.
I don't know if that's an optimal strategy, but I can tell you that I sleep really well at night.