Today is exactly 2 years since I registered at this forum ! I do not write here often, (because of my bad English) but I read very often. During this time you've all become like family to me, and I would like to celebrate it with you.
Since I registered on the forum, my life has changed a lot, mainly thanks to the financial planning that I learned from you! I want to make every member of the WO`s a small gift in the form of a chocolate bar made by my close relative from natural products.
I have not yet figured out how to send the chocolate to those who want to remain anonymous, so I ask for your help with this.
The best I could come up with was, create an anon email address with proton mail, Ask WO's to also create a new email address and send their shipping address (without identifying themselves).
Last time we played with this idea, some guys found a cool site that destroys messages after its read.
This way, if email is compromised in the future, nobody has details inside.
I'm not sure exactly if one could accomplish this in a trust-less way without 3rd party but its worth the thought experiment IMO.
Because you'd like to send food (a consumable) it adds another level of risk/trust. I do believe your intentions are genuine and not saying you'd do it, but, it's not too difficult to imagine someone poisoning some WO Bitcoiners for whatever reason. Just saying.
Thanks for the acknowledgments here, I share the same gratitude you express. Have a trustless merit