Currently, playing 'when to buy into more BTC game'...thinking I'll wait for a 'weekend weak dump' maybe?
Those currently who know my 'track record' on timing such, be sure to adjust your purchases accordingly, so you can
'mock' my 'timing' later.
(Hey, the wrong price at the wrong time is how I roll. On the other hand, if you HODL long enough does not matter)
Well, I recall that you were selling items from your attic, and so you bought some BTC in parts of 2019 with that generated extra money.
What is the source of the extra money that you have this time?
Is it just extra savings that you have accumulated from your regular income over the past year or so?
You did not want to buy BTC with that money earlier in 2019 as that money was coming in, but now, after BTC has gone up about 60% over the past two months you want to buy more BTC with that extra money that had been flowing in through the year? The upwards BTC price movement, currently, is causing you to feel that you are underinvested in BTC because you are thinking that you might be able to get rich quick.. over the next 1-2 years?
I am not going to say that you are going to be wrong in that kind of 1-2 year period, even if it is unclear about whether you will benefit in the short run or have better buying opportunities in the coming weeks or months before the halvening.
These days, I prefer to think about any new money that goes into bitcoin to have at least a 4 year investment time horizon. Of course, no problem if BTC prices go shooting up from here, so then you would not have to stick with the 4 year investment time horizon thinking because once your injection of value is in profits you have options to pull it out at any time, but anyhow, since you and I should be in a similar position regarding having had already largely accumulated most of our BTC, it seems strange to me that someone who had already largely accumulated in the 3 digits would be experiencing any kind of meaningful FOMO feelings after about a 60% BTC price appreciation in the past two months, not withstanding any inclination just to do a bit of dollar cost averaging investing from time to time, as money comes in, as heslo's above response suggests.