Unusual activities before the epidemic
The U.S. government will investigate the stock market manipulations took place before the Wuhan epidemic including (but not limited to):
“Exists” from Stock Exchanges in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong.
People with knowledge of the viral attack sold a large number of stocks to American, European and Saudis investors. Many people who sold their stocks include Jiang Zhicheng (the grandson of Jiang Zeming, the former president of China), Meng Haijin (the daughter of Meng Jianzhu), and Gao Yanyan, etc.
Li Ka-shing, a pro-CCP tycoon in Hong Kong, unloaded a significant portion of his stock holding after Nov 12, a move he did not take during the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests.
Many Chinese business tycoons have been shorting stocks and selling stock holdings to foreigners while keeping their mouths shut since Nov 12, 2019.
Shorting exchanges where American investors are long is now outlawed. These bastards don't share our values. Bomb them!