If you can get reinfected, would't that mean that a vaccin is impossible? I would like to get some more info on that before I believe it.
Flu vaccines never provide complete immunity against influenza viruses if I am not mistaken. You can still get infected but you'll recover far quicker compared to an unvaccinated person.
Availability of a vaccine has nothing to do with this I believe.
U.S. vaccine effectiveness by start year:[23][24]
2004 10%
2005 21%
2006 52%
2007 37%
2008 41%
2009 56%
2010 60%
2011 47%
2012 49%
2013 52%
2014 19%
2015 48%
2016 40%
2017 36%
2018 47%
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influenza_vaccineThere are many variants of the flu-"stem", and vaccines are assembled with antibodies of the currently dominant variants that are registered in fall, for vaccination in
winter. This is why the flu vaccine gets to about 50% effectiveness and this also varies every year.
The vaccination-argument is therefore a half pseudo one.
This is NOT the same as getting infected by the same coronavirus variant, which was rumored lately, or even passive transmission like with herpes.
There would be no vaccine against such, which adds a whole new dimension to an outbreak like this.
I read some national geographic article, must be centuries ago now, where the question of which lifeform will make it to be the most successful (ultimately) on earth was discussed, and leading scientists agreed on viruses, because of their ability to evolve, adapt and spread quickly. But a virus that kills the host would be ultimately unsuccessful as well, excluding maybe sea or even deep sea population*.
We're living on the edge, constantly, and we likely are as unaware as helpless. We just had that bucket full of luck that our species made it this far, especially if you look at extincted animals. Extinction is quite common in nature, the big one, the universe, multiverse, god, allah or however one may label it.
corrected summer -> winter.
* This could mean evolution can start all over again. Quite interesting aspect, imo.