Very sound advice, Bitserve. I agree that having a spread of safe savings that provide income away from the BTC rollercoaster ultimately makes absolute sense.
Hodling Bitcoin does not provide income, it's an investment that you have to realise; whether that be incrementally, or all at once.
There is a time to diversify and make sure your retirement is not dependent on any one asset, and to make sure you're safe in most eventualities. If anyone gets to have 'enough' to retire on from BTC and leaves it ALL IN, they will feel the pain of every dip severely, often to the point where they dare not cash any in during that dip.
Having a decent trickle of income sorted for your retirement that you can feel comfortable with is a good thing - keeping some Bitcoin too also makes sense, but depending entirely on the BTC price after you've stopped working would not be an easy ride.
TLDR: At the point when you have done well enough, it makes sense to cash some in and diversify.
It's not just that Bitcoin doesn't provide income... which is not completely true, because there are places where you can earn an interest from it. You incur in additional risk though. But even having full control of your Bitcoin and storing it safe has its risks. In fact it is a (way) riskier asset than many others. Thus the extraordinaire ROI till date... and possibly in the future.
There is not ONE single completely risk free asset. NONE. So yeah, that's why some hedging/diversifying is very recommended.
Life is all about balance... Finances too.
#bitserve, indeed that the worst case scenario, when you believe complete and go all inn ( what is never the most sane option, but if), but are forced to cash some out at the worst time possible
Imo some real estate or a house and a bit of land to own isn't the worst, if those options are possible.
Yeah, as I have previously said I love RE. My first home, which I finished paying it a couple years ago, is my main asset (not counting Bitcoin). My second one I bought it past year and its basically all mortgage at this time... but as soon as I decide to cash out some Bitcoin, a good chunk will go to reduce or even wipe out the mortgage. Probably just reduce some, as my mortgage terms are very reasonable (30 years at around 1% interest) and it was probably my last opportunity to ever finance like that again.
I am very far from the point in which Bitcoin (or anything else) would allow me retire (something I don't really WANT to do anyways) but the first thing for me before "upgrading my lifestyle" would be to be completely debt free again.
RE/land won't probably make you rich in itself, but I don't see any point in being "rich" without having some RE... at the very least a fully paid home and some more if possible.
Of course part of that thinking is cultural, as in Spain most everyone decides to own home instead of renting, being the main "saving asset" of net worth. I know that's very different in many countries, specially in US where people do prefer (extreme) mobility instead. Also the type of construction, repair labour wages and related property taxes in the US mean the "maintenance" of most properties may require ridiculous amounts of money in many cases.