yeah, Armageddon has about a 1% chance of happening, so don't fuck up your whole life and your ability to retire because you put way the fuck disproportionate preparation into that... like 20% or even 50% like some people seem to be inclined in those kinds of ways to prepare for holy shit not going to happen events - and I am NOT sure if that is just a means to talk themselves out of actually pulling the fuck you lever when they really should (but yeah, ultimately their discretion, and the above remain just factors to consider rather than trying to tell anyone what to do with their ultimate conclusions regarding what is important to them).
I don't really disagree with any of what you said, including the unquoted parts. But having seen the medical issues destroy people's finances more than once, in my personal list of things it's on my list of "it's comin' down the pike" rather than "small chance Armageddon scenario", so as you point out each person has that different list of factors they consider at various priorities.
I totally get that some might see the large numbers and say "fuck it" instead of saving now, hopefully few to none on here, but I just consider it a journey. If I end up there great, if not, well I tried and will continually evaluate my options with regard to whatever curve balls life is throwing at me or likely to throw at me at the time.
I doubt that we are really saying anything different from one another, except maybe delving into the weeds a bit with a kind of particular scenario. There is a lot fucked up in the USA regarding health care... that is for sure. There are also likely way too many people in the USA who get wiped out financially by various medical issues that come up, so yeah, something like that might have higher odds of happening or becoming an issue than people credit (take into their accounts/contemplations), and of course, for you particularly, you might have to over-prepare in order to be feel that you are sufficiently comfortable, but you also might end up shooting yourself in the foot because you ended up over-preparing.
I surely don't know the solution because you are referring to a real world issue that has a whole hell of a lot of significance in the USA, and more dire circumstances for some people rather than others in terms of how much insurance needs to be within the budget or if there is already a pre-existing condition and also whether they might be ready, willing or able to travel for treatment (which traveling surely might not be very practical for some people to have to consider traveling for medical treatment).