Making my first time-based prediction: The next low for #Bitcoin will be between February 6th-11th 2020.
February 10th 2014 low: $553
February 10th 2015 low: $215
February 11th 2016 low: $361
February 9th 2017 low: $925
February 6th 2018 low: $5,873
February 8th 2019 low: $3,344
Note this is
time-based analysis, not price based. This does not indicate lower lows, but when the next low will arrive (whether lower or not).
For example, a low around $6,850 re-testing support in early February such as
this chart.
Wait, a minute.
I might have sent you an smerit too soon for sharing that idea regarding the assessments of new lows and attempting to anticipate when the new low will come.
My subsequently realized issue relates to the lack of listing of our current low, which is standing at $6,425, so sure that might NOT end up being the low for this particular cycle, but I believe that it is a bit too presumptuous for my own tastes to assume it away without whole showing it as our current to-date contender.
In other words, I have no problem with NOT knowing whether up or down, but I do have muchos problemas with presuming either down before up or even up before down, and both that attached chart and your implicit acceptance of the chart with links to other presumptuous charts without commenting on the lack of listing the current contender (aka $6,425) remains a bit disingenuous (potentially an innocent oversight?) in my way of thinking.