Oh, fuck, you did it again!
Anyways, I will try to respond in a single block ignoring all those completely unmanageable intermixed quotes:
- Yes, it is not the same if you have some specific medical warning that says you only have a few months/years at the most. That would probably make for easier "planning" but as I said that's not usually the case.
- Heart attacks (in today's world) are overrated. Ok, depending on the cause and the damage (if any) to the muscle they might be more serious though, but not per se. Even so, I knew someone that had really bad heart problems, so bad that doctors routinely gave him only weeks/months of life at *MAX*... for more than 8 fucking years. So there's that. Yes, he eventually died... orders of magnitude later than his almost sure expectancy. And he REALLY enjoyed life during those 8 *free extra* years.
- On the other side there is people that simply die. At any age. With absolutely no warning and for no particular reason. And I am not talking about accidents here.
- I don't expect to live to 120. Not even 100. And probably I wouldn't even WANT to live over 90. In doubt about the eighties. Unless medical advances by then improve enough such that I can have an intense physical active lifestyle at that age. Walking around the park feeding birds is not my thing, mkay?
- Would I like to know the exact or approximate remaining life that I have? Well... that's tricky. Let's rephrase the question... If you only had 5-7 years left at the most... Wouldn't you like to know it? I would. To better invest my TIME in other things instead of exchanging it for money just in case I live way longer than expected. Less preparation for the future and more just LIVING now. Carpe diem you know.
- One thing is having a bug-out-bag (which I am completely in favor) and one different thing is to go full retard into preparing for an "apocalypse" scenario r0ach style. No, I refuse to plan for a scenario in which I would probably not want to live and, what's even worse, doing so at the cost of not being prepared for a more probable and enjoyable lifestyle. That's nuts. No surprise here, eh?
And I think that more or less sums it all up. Really, can't you avoid replying with that kind of complex structure? It makes for a very tedious work replying back. But you probably already know that and just don't care or even do it on purpose, don't you? lol