Two days ago I stopped at the only stoplight along a rural beachtown drive just as the light turned red. As if it was aware of the opportunity to use a crosswalk, and with precise timing, a small snake about the size of a common garden variety slithered out onto the road before pausing half way across. Being familiar with most of the harmless local snake folk in this area I decided to usher the critter across the road to safety ahead of the next green light. I dismounted my motorbike and approached the snake in a calm manner. Just as I were to take my final pace, the snake turned on me, arched its neck in recoil strike pose and sprung open a previously invisible hood which suddenly made its head appear 3 times larger. OH SHIT, COBRA! I froze at less than a meter between us and stared down at my feet wearing the standard $2 flip flop sandles afforded by the natives.
I couldn't move my feet for fear it would be the final trigger. There was 50/50 odds of a successful strike from that short distance. I could hear other motorists laughing or maybe yelling something at the scene from the stoplight which made me immediately feel like another stupid white tourist far out of his jurisdiction. After a few seconds in lock with the cobra, the light must have turned green and a vehicle slowly passed behind the snake which drew its attention and recoil towards the moving object.
I jumped back with relief and GTFO. The cobra carried on calmly and safely to the other side of the road however, sadly Honey badger courage did not show up on this day. This would be my first and only encounter with a cobra in the wild of which I clearly was unprepared for.
Extrapolate what you will in regards to BTC visions and parable. Nothing has changed.
You need to get a pet honey badger to travel with you!
I think the lesson is clear, its literally learn the recorder and carry it with you ALWAYS!