No big volume, no sign of the Bargain Boyz to be found. Highly unlikely this downtrend from 14k ends till they show up and declare "cheap coins".
Coins have to be so cheap that they feel compelled to buy. Hopefully the 6ks will do the trick but we all know it could be lower. The massive volume will tell us when. It always has every other time in Bitcoin, this time is not different.
You are exaggerating. There is no pattern in which every single time that the BTC price trend reversed was upon clear and convincing high volume. That's nonsense. Sure sometimes high volume reversal happens and sometimes it does not. failure to appreciate hyperbole and also a bit of denial at a real pattern
Cue the JJG "slayer you are annoying me with your downtrend stuff" even though thats what this has been since 14k for almost 5 months
Call it what you will: "downtrend" or "correction within a bullmarket" .. you are still seeming to ascribe too much certainty to something that can go either way... whether subsequently you end up being correct or NOT or whether you subsequently are able to frame the matter in your favor to assert that you were correct, in the end, you are largely just guessing or playing off some kind of hunch that may or may end up playing out in a way that fits your narrative. JJG once again trying to play god and judge what is too certain or uncertain for another to predict
You better watch out, because you won't want to ascribe being so god damned right to yourself that you end up being like jonoiv or roach or some other unseemly character that gets stuck on a narrative that ends up NOT playing out anywhere close to their repeatedly asserted expectations.. better watch out or blah blah something silly
We all knew the pump to 14k was a minibubble and a minibear market would have to follow.
Nothing wrong with that so long as you are not ascribing too much "have to happen" to how much correction that you believe is "necessary" before UPpity is resumed. arrogantly judging each comment for fitting into or not fitting into JJG belief system parameters
I dont make the rules around here, this is Bitcoin Country.
Glad that you recognize that, at least...even though you are trying to come off as some kind of all knowing sorcerer, which is annoying to say the least... ... ... all who make predictions here claim to be a sorcerer and i hates it so much(even though its not true)
By the way, I could give too ratt's asses about whether you are delivering "unpleasant truths", but that does not seem to be what you are doing. Instead, you are ascribing too much soothsayer status to your pronouncements in an effort to appear like you are the smartest guy in the room.... which is: obligatory and untrue claim of not caring about the thing that JJG cares about and writes a wall of text in response
Good news is when the mythical Bargain Boyz show up for cheap coins, that will be the last time we ever see those prices and the ride to 100k-200k can commence.
I suspect Bargain Boyz are still loading up on Popeyes right now but will soon turn their attention to corn if we catch their eye with some bargain sub 7k prices. 6400 would really do the trick imo.
oh really? cant argue with your meta popeyes logic sir
Nothing like a little JJG essay of anger and self righteousness to brighten the day. Full of pretentious judgement, warnings, false assumptions and mischaracterization. This typically happens before a big drop in price. Its a very bearish indicator short term.