What was the October anon prediction ? price can do anything, only sign we have is the balance of probabilities.
is there enough cash for $50k BTC. I mean, if holders will sell at $50k, can exchanges and all others business pay sellers?
There is resistance to pricing of course, money wants to go elsewhere so theres always pressure to sell I think. But 50k is possible, theres more then enough dollars available in circulation globally to make that happen. Theres a greater excess of spare dollars every month to help enable that, spikes like 2008 can occur but the correct direction is excess supply; everything says that only a surprising default series would counter the trend.
It would require much less then the 1 trillion of dollars theoretically needed to match the 21 million of BTC in theory available. Partly because not all of those BTC are really available and also every system has natural wastage, put simply theres always pennies down the back of the sofa. Not all the supply is liquid ready to be sold, the greater population of users we have the more natural holders occur because the wealth is distributed across many wallets and some just dont want to sell as its not alot in their particular case. Utility becomes more important to them, we just need that to be a factor and value can accumulate.
Its far more important we gain this natural population then the speculators guessing prices and always ready to sell, especially if they are leveraged and have no choice but to liquidate. As per that famous twitter feed of leverage positions blowing up or the whale movements, even they dont matter imo. 50k is possible but theres still alot of resistance to that all the same, the market always wants to provide alternate routes and it demands efficiency also I think is important long term. We live in extraordinary times.