Women run modern civilization. It is a gynocentric empire of nothingness with men as their work mule donkey slaves. The man essentially wastes his life to facilitate the woman's mindless desires about things like diamond rings and $100k weddings purchased with debt. There is no way out of that paradigm until men boycott marriage entirely. Since women are unable to compete against men as a group in anything, they will then fall into poverty and powerlessness and be forced to negotiate with men on their terms instead of the ball being in their court. Shouldn't take very long for this to happen naturally since a man in current day would have to be completely insane to want to get married in the first place.
I’m not even 35, I’ve been with my girl for 11 years & we’re not even engaged & we have no children. Lots of people think it’s weird but we’re selfish & we like to do what we want to do, not what others want & expect
I'm 33 and have been with my (now wife) for 15 years... only been married for 4 of those years however. Don't let other peoples ideas of "what is right" dictate your relationship. People have constantly asked us when we are having kids and when we tell them we aren't we are looked at like we have some sort of mental condition. But it works for us, we enjoy our lives and don't see a reason to change.
People like r0ach are just bitter, twisted men who think all women are pieces of shit. Sure some are... but so are some men too
I am in the business of risk management. A marriage is the act of a man signing a contract with the government that says women are his equal. If you don't believe women are equal, why would you ever sign such a contract? In modern context, the contract doesn't even play out as women being equal; it's a contract elevating women above you as your superior with more rights. On a long enough timeline, it's just not possible for such an illogical, bizarro world system to continue.
My son Infofront in this thread himself is married and refers to women as "large children". I would elaborate on that definition more as "large, irrational, emotionally unstable, and erratic, large children". It's completely insane to sign any type of government contract granting such a creature any power over you as a man. The only way marriage would make any sense for a man is some sort of pre-industrial revolution-style marriage back when women had zero rights and couldn't vote either.
As a side note, during the early Trump election era there was a period of time where all shitposters on the internet kept referring to leftists as cuckolds and kept trying to define what an "alpha" or "beta" male is. I thought it was funny how some random Indian guy I know - that's a leftist who I have nothing in common with besides the fact he thinks marriage is a stupid idea for men - stated the fact that ANY man who wants to get married is a cuckold by default. I thought, you know, this guy is actually right.