I'd like to see any of these shitcoin lovers that come and grace this thread, answer this one question:
If Bitcoin functions securely, has the most and widest user/broker/exchange/merchant/miner support, and does everything it needs to do for both e-commerce transactions and SoV, why look elsewhere for anything else?
If you can't answer honestly without throwing in " 'cause speculation reasons", then you are full of shit. Because outside of that, trying to get rich on a flyer or something, you'd have no valid reason.
BTC isn't ideal for small/fast transactions and has proven to be conservative as far as making changes to address such problems. Waiting around a random amount of time from a few minutes to much longer for a single confirmation is awkward and confusing in a world where most things are nearly instantaneous. I feel like that at least leaves the door open a bit.
Fast transactions do not have to happen on 1st layer, and there seems to be a lot of building of second layer solutions in bitcoin, so if it is not broken, it is still in development. Perhaps bitcoin could also absorb some other coin that might be better at transacting quickly as a second layer solution... although it does not really seem necessary to have any other second token for that... but whatever, who the fuck knows... things develop as they develop and there is a kind of snowballing effect anyhow that comes out a bit differently than expected and with variants of unexpectedness.
You should think bitcoin as a Swiss bank account in your pocket. Best security, best liquidity, most known, best store of value. But you can't buy that goddamn coffee with it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
LN is not perfect but at least somebody is working on it. Will it solve the problem completely? Who knows...
Till then use doge, ltc, xmr or whatever you like.
I believe for what it can do right now, Bitcoin is unrivaled: Security, Liquidity, SoV. If you just tune it to make it coffee-ready, the system collapses. I am fine with that. I can still use my CC or Doge for $1-10 purchases. Bitcoin is for > $100 payments and keeping your wealth secure away from banks.
If it was possible don't you think ETH, bitcoin's closest rival, would have solved it first? There isn't a magical solution to that problem.
ETH collapsed under heavy load too, no blockchain can carry the world demand. You can't expect the impossible from blockchains. If the blocks are full go use something else. I don't see anything wrong with that because there isn't a known safe solution, if there was one, BTC devs would have implemented it already.