I do 100% agree.
The Black Swan is always around the corner.
I don't really plan my life around any possible black swan, but sure, black swans can come in a whole variety of circumstances, and so I guess there is some prudence to plan for a kind of set of unknown unknowns.
On the other hand, I do kind of pick on our resident PM troll in this thread, because he seems to be putting some kind of high end stakes into PMs, perhaps 20% or something like that, for a kind of Armageddon event that likely has less than a 1% chance of occurring, so I do not understand why to invest more than 1% or so (with some margin for error) into an event that has less than a 1% of happening.. and in other non Armageddon situations, bitcoin is going to serve as a decent hedge against the dollar that is better than gold, so I really don't get why he hangs out here pumping PMs as if they were the solution.
Sorry for the idling, had to leave for some hours...
I don't plan for Black Swan -like events but i try to stay flexible in life, so i can act mindful IF such an event occurs. What such an event may be... That's the thing with Black Swans, you can't predict them in any way.
I have gone through homelessness, polytoxic addictions, depression, anxiety, panic and horrors barely anyone would believe. Finally i learned to change my mind instead of sticking to my beliefs. We, humans, are strongly driven by our beliefs. That's also why i started to collect Bitcoins, for example. But i stopped trying to change other peoples mind, that's everybodys own job, and most of us are avoiding this at all cost. On the other hand, these are mostly the ones that try to change anyone else's mind. So that's how you can identify (and feel sorry for) them. No reason for hate, honestly
Sure everyone has experiences and points of view, and some people try to impose their beliefs on others in a strong way. Sometimes it can be a bit irresistible, and even though i believe that there are certain kinds of latitude in correctness, there are also some things that are more correct than other things and there are best practices.
For example, I was having a discussion with an in-law about diet a few days ago, and he said that he had approached his diet with objectivity and no prejudgement, and even though he had recently been studying some literature and talking points, he began to ask me to defend my diet in terms of his frame of reference, which I refused to do, even though we still attempted to have some battle discussion that kind of dwindled away after a bit of time of non-resolution. I only see this inlaw once in a while, so I am not sure if we are going to continue the conversation at a future date, but surely I think that he is wrong about a lot of things, even though he was much more prepared to debate the topic than me, because I had not been reading on the topic for several years, and he seemed to have been reading on the topic in recent times. .. which in my mind did not mean that he was right, even if he had kind of won the debate due to a kind of better preparations.