We need:
Temporary "dictator". (Tasks: Will setup the community vote to decide on the commitee, Decides the direction of this coin UNTIL the commitee is elected)
Social Media Group 2-6 persons (Tasks: Managing Twitter/Facebook/Website/Reddit/Bitcointalk ect)
Commitee 6-8 persons (Tasks: Electing a commitee speaker, deciding what happens with the "dead coins" from the investments, stiring the direction of this coin)
This are only suggestions, but you should act quickly! So nominate a "dictator" soon and then start nominating people for the committe. The best candidates will be people invested in this coin, so >0.1 BTC investment. Good luck
Well...how about me for dictator? I already look after the Community Coin and Sharecoin subreddits. And, as a recent PM to you revealed, I'm enough of a bobblefinger to be a safe dictator.
This is a decision that must be made by the community, so lets wait and see what they have to say!
Yeh, from what I've seen till now in comm and sharecoin, I consider Nextblg a good candidate