Without welfare, students will have to work there way through uni, sick people will die or depend on charity donations, single mothers and the poor will end up homeless and on the street, crime will increase, and the gap between the rich and poor will become even greater.
Try looking at the other side of the coin. What are the consequences of NOT robbing people of half their labor to give handouts?
- A man can actually support his family without his wife working, leading to better raised children, less strain on the relationship hence fewer single moms needing welfare.
- More disposable income/time for voluntary charity.
- Stop the culture of dependency that the welfare system creates. These people will actually work and produce extra wealth for society instead of pumping out more welfare babies.
- More wealth produced due to NOT reallocating resources from the productive to the unproductive. This will result in lower cost of living.
Of course, most of the problems that the welfare system "solves" are problems which are also created by state violence: crime, gap between rich and poor, high cost of medical care/education, etc.
You are treating the symptoms of institutionalised violence with institutionalised violence.