what if i started publicly displaying IP of visitors to my pron site would that be cool?
I vote take down IP...
Nonsense, bitcoin relayed transaction display the IP.
So you vote take down bitcoin? Good luck
He didn't!
He suggested not to make transient information (IP) permanent and public.
If ever I turn to the dark side of the force, I will off course start using Tor. But if we all do, and all the nodes hide, the bitcoin network will be harder to connect to.
I doubt that
my government has started worrying about bitcoin and surveilling us
yet. But of course they don't "miss the boat", all the information they did not get around to collect in time is presented to them by blockchain.info.
And regarding "plausible deniability": Once people are looking, they might find proof elsewhere. It is better not to be suspected than to be suspected without airtight proof.