whoever posted from his account is not a native English speaker.
It's blatantly evident that Genjix's account has been compromised.
"I only want to confirm this. We are working with Ebitz with our connections on Deep Web and as advisor & influencer." That's correct English, there's nothing wrong with that sentence in the English language. It could have possibly been phrased better, but your claim of incorrect English seems to be reaching. Let's say the ebitz team did hack the account, and then make the tweet, that would just plain be incredible. I would have phrased it like this
"I only want to confirm this tweet. We are working with Ebitz with our connections on the Deep Web, and as an advisor & influencer."
I never said "incorrect" English.
I said whoever posted this is NOT A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER
You are trying really hard to seemingly legitimize things........