EdLEZieDbChBMHJp858568iYuhcKWQNBWbBKeQMuckc9 is represented as ca76964390a3d7b99f0451a0a95a55a2098f9700cf6b0a2369a76b311d60427a in hex, and this is the private key for 13NgxJBSk2bwWd2W4cr4XQqNNQTmyoCM4a.
It looks like Sol Noctis took a private key in hex format and converted it to base58 without any of the necessary preprocessing to generate a WIF-encoded key. The 0x80 mainnet flag is not prepended, nor is the 0x01 flag to denote a compressed public key appended. Lastly the checksum is missing.
Some quick/dirty code follows to generate a proper WIF-encoded key from what you received:
const crypto = require('crypto');
const bs58 = require('bs58');
let sha256 = crypto.createHash('sha256');
let privkey = bs58.decode('EdLEZieDbChBMHJp858568iYuhcKWQNBWbBKeQMuckc9').toString('hex');
privkey = '80' + privkey + '01';
let hash = sha256.update(Buffer.from(privkey, 'hex')).digest('hex');
sha256 = crypto.createHash('sha256');
let hash2 = sha256.update(Buffer.from(hash, 'hex')).digest('hex');
let checksum = hash2.slice(0, 8);
privkey += checksum;
let encoded = bs58.encode(Buffer.from(privkey, 'hex'));
I've swept the key, please provide an address to which you'd like to receive your funds.
Sats asked this before and I'm wondering the same....why would they make the keys this way? I don't understand a lick of any of this stuff cwil posted, but it seems very odd.. is there anything shady with this setup, or just a lazy/dumb way of doing it? If it confused a Mr Robot like Ghost, then I imagine those who don't know where to ask these questions may never redeem these things. I wonder if people have been reaching out to TWC asking for help, and what type of help is being provided.
TWC not providing a response still to this day about any of this is shady and is a piss poor way to service a serious issue with your customers. I wouldn't buy a dollar for a penny from these guys and hope no one else here gives them any business after all of this. I wrote this earlier in the thread but will again..TWC was running raffles on instagram at one point for these..I commented something like "why are you still running these with the compromised key issue ongoing". Deleted my comment..didn't respond or message me with even a simple "we understand your concerns but". Then a buddy commented and they removed the post. Shady!
I would consider these bulls sitting ducks. Maybe the key generation was made the way it was to confuse people to a point where they hoped to prevent as few sweeps as possible..as the average buyer of these who would try to redeem are likely people who know dick about btc/collectibles and wont have a clue what to do or who to ask and likely just give up or say "i'll deal with it later, it's not that much btc atm anyhow" ( kinda like how CryptoScratchCards and HyperionGold did ) while they make sure they sell all of their inventory and then they pull the rug? We've seen this kinda shit before, and if the company who generated the keys for the bulls is different than the eagles..then there is certainly no track record of trust..nor do we have a clue who generated them right? TWC is also NOT liable for any of the coins they don't sell directly let's not forget...and if you run a quick google search for the coin, there was a lot of retailers..