
Topic: (Warning) Whats going on with every one is losing there coins - page 3. (Read 14415 times)

full member
Activity: 133
Merit: 100
I'm making the decision to move all my coins into wallets and other sites today. I'm saying this despite owning Cryptsy fee shares and wishing the site to succeed. The lag is completely unusable for trading- it's an embarrassment to crypto that these exchanges represent the community and it's trading structure. For about the 10th time over two months, I've had an order placed, cancelled that order, and the btc held has just disappeared. Like the times before it most likely appear in an hour, a day, or a few days. Writing emails serves no point- because by the time anybody responds the amount is back. But in the meantime I am unable to place another trade with those funds and I'm in limbo.
BTC-E has the smoothest trading process I've seen- Cryptsy has to be the worst, and for this reason I'm moving on. I'll use Vircurex to trade some of the newer coins and BTC-E and others for the usual suspects.
I can't believe that with the obvious influx of business they haven't acted quicker to upgrade there software/servers/whatever to fix what's going on. The owners need to sit down and actually experience it from a users point of view!
Anyway, that's my rant. I had high hopes for Cryptsy and I still hope that they get it together- I guess I'll keep my shares to recoup some of the lost profits on trades not executing!

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Crypsy is victim of its own success therefore the website may not give you coins Grin
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1002
yeah, i sent some coins, 1225 confirmations later, still pending  Roll Eyes
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
Cryptsy just added Dogecoin. LOL HAHAHAHAHAH

Big Vern is surely the Doge Dev!!  Grin
Activity: 79
Merit: 10
Ive been waiting over 3 weeks for Cryptsy to come back to me over my missing QRK
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1001
Cryptsy just added Dogecoin. LOL HAHAHAHAHAH
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
I have an open ticket from over 3 days ago... lost coin and went to a negative balance. Tried their self audit... nothing happened. Had to use some of my other coin to pay my way out of the false debt.

Then got an automated ticket (it was very generic, and told me to use the self audit... which I had written I did).

So some of my coins came back (because I bought my way out of the debt, I didn't actually get any of my lost coins) <--QRK coins lost

So I started a ticket thinking they were going to fix things... and started trading again. BIG MISTAKE.

Lost some BTC this time. Tried everything, nothing worked. Had to buy my way out of that again.

Started trading again... Then on one of the orders... LOST THOSE ALSO.

And yet still no response from the support team, or owners.

WARNING. DO NOT USE THEIR SITE. and I welcome all the new sites I have heard about coming. Hopefully you work out the bugs BEFORE you release the product.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Looks like most of these exchange websites are scams.
hero member
Activity: 672
Merit: 500
I was going to deposit $300 into coinbase and then use cryptsy to trade but now that I read about this I dont know what to do anymore.

Any other sites that trade qrk, dev etc?   I dont want to miss the boat on the pump and dumps. does qrk and so does coins-e .... the Chinese exchange (forgotten name was supposedly adding it, too)

be careful with coins-e, they stole me 10k GLC, i wait for 7 days no answer to my 3 support requests...
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
StayFocus and LIVE
Please post your reviews on mullick/bigvern (bigvern/mullick runs cryptsy) feedback! Please people post negative reviews until the hear our CRY!  Here the link:
Mullick LINK:;u=99433

bigvern LINK:;u=93918

enough is enough! Its been a couple days and people are loosing out on trades and sells! Please Fix the problem, Please!
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 500
From what I know it is done by people withdrawing so there wallet has a negative balance. I dont use cryptsy
full member
Activity: 206
Merit: 100
Right there with you, got hit yesterday with a canceled BUY order returning a negative BTC balance, figured I better try the new 'Self Audit' button, that didn't fix the problem but created another negative balance, this time on my LTC account! 

Coming up on 24hrs since I created the support ticket & halted all account activity, had 2 tickets over lost coins when opening my account early Dec, too their credit the problems seemed to get resolved in a day or two.  Since then however, I've keep good records myself, can't trust'em, now need to move that documentation trail from a text file over to spreadsheet program & calculate my own balances across ~10 coins and ~150 trades, their server seems incapable of doing it.

Preparing to bail & hoping to get this resolved & transfer out my various coin investments to wallets here at home, their engine needs an overhaul....
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
canceled one of my older orders cos price was not right,and after confirmed cancelation i got only half of my btc. back,other half nowhere to be seen for hours now Sad
also just found big thread(about 10 pages) on their forum people conplaining about coins gone or M.I.A. for days.
will wait a bit to see if coins come back somehow,in meantime withdrawing the rest of btc and prolly done with this exchange
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
I was going to deposit $300 into coinbase and then use cryptsy to trade but now that I read about this I dont know what to do anymore.

Any other sites that trade qrk, dev etc?   I dont want to miss the boat on the pump and dumps. does qrk and so does coins-e .... the Chinese exchange (forgotten name was supposedly adding it, too)
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
I can't make any trades, and I just got landed with another negative balance on LTC. This is despite not transfering any in or out for a while. It is an account with hardly anything in. I could pay it back if it let me sell the QRK or Bitcoin I have there, but no, coins are all "error" prone. I could transfer my QRK and BTC out of the exchange and leave enough to pay the LTC debt, but it won't let me.

Really recommend people not to attempt sending money there.

Activity: 14
Merit: 0
I was going to deposit $300 into coinbase and then use cryptsy to trade but now that I read about this I dont know what to do anymore.

Any other sites that trade qrk, dev etc?   I dont want to miss the boat on the pump and dumps.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
I can see my quark coins again.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
These people at Cryptsy are in WAAAY over their heads and they refuse to do the two things that could help them save this company:
1. Close registrations to new users temporarily
2. Hire outside help debugging their system

Why don't they do these things? Well because it costs them money of course, and they don't mind making their entire user base suffer because of it. Unfortunately they don't have the foresight to see they will lose the entire user base before they can catch up with their issues like this, and take a lot of coins with them when they finally do burst into flames.
sr. member
Activity: 255
Merit: 250
They are now trading on negative balances.

Got coins?  Move them out now...

Not possible any more.

When I try to log in I get "Error: Session Error Code 7 Detected" (what ever that means)
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Este problema es algo temporal? O hay grave riesgo de que todo el mundo pierda sus coins.
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