Well, BTC going slowly back to more realistic price, 1-5$. It's just a money carrier, nothing else. There's already paypal
Blockchain tech will live on but bitcoin was just a bubble
Buy assets and gold if you want to make some money, buy BTC if you like to dream about money but actually lose it
You believers are 2 years late
You'll just have to look at the maximum amount of bitcoins that can exist and at the amount of bitcoins that are currently not being used.
Compared to any other currency there is simply not that many bitcoins. If 1$ was a realistic price for bitcoins, there could never be more
than 22 million $ invested in BTC. If you just look at how many people own 22 million, the only way for bitcoin's price to be 1-5$ would be if it
totally lost relevance. If that happened it wouldn't stay @ that price though, but go down to pretty much nothing. So even if Bitcoin loses relevance,
I don't ever see if stay in the 1-5$ field for more than a few days before it would crash completely.
The more likely option is still that it will simply go up as it gains relevance, which I think we all hope.