You topic title starts with an alphabet that is in small caps. First work on your grammar then you can think about writing pattern.
What I meant is you wrote -
was it that easy to learn a reputable member posting format? Whereas it should be,
"Was it that easy to learn a reputable member posting format?"Thanks.
Is there a rule that states one must start cap lat before making post?
If yes then I would love to get the link maybe for proper orientation and guidelines. For wishing to be like someone is something that is self devotional, so why do we have gods father's and role model if I may ask?
It is simple logic! If you're interacting on a platform that is based on English language. You need to use some basic etiquette. I am not asking you to be an English language genius!
There are a lot of members who can give good suggestions regarding how to improve writing or presentation, and so in that regard, it can be good to be open to suggestions, and I am not even opposed to the idea of trying to learn writing styles or presentation techniques from other members.
Surely using proper language is helpful, and also using proper punctuation is good - especially in the earlier stages of building up a forum reputation that involves other forum members getting to know you, know your posting style and perhaps knowing some of your interests, including if you might be a bitcoiner, a shitcoiner or some combination of those.. and there are some members who don't even seem to participate in bitcoin or shitcoin discussions, so in that regard, each forum member has his/her own areas of interests and presumptively participates in the threads that are of more interest to him/her.
You see my first sentence in the above paragraph is wrong because it is a compound sentence that has three parts, so likely it is good to know if you are breaking certain grammar rules and whether you want to intentionally keep your post in a way that is not proper grammar or to fix it in order that it is within proper rules.
Sometimes it might be good to write a whole forum post and then to review it several times (and maybe even to take out repetitious words or to find words (in the thesaurus) that might express your meaning in a better or more accurate way... and the more that you improve your senses that you are communicating what you would like to say, then maybe the less frequent that you will feel that you need to review your post several times prior to posting it.. and also you might wait 1-2 hours and read your post again (and fix it) to make sure that you are comfortable with what you are saying.. and maybe reviewing controversial and complex posts more frequently than the less controversial and the less complex posts.
You can also sometimes purposefully change the spelling of words or purposefully make up words, but members will get more annoyed/aggravated with you if you have not first shown a pattern in which you already know how to spell properly... so it can be risky to change spellings and sometimes it is overly confusing and might even look like you are being lazy or using bad slang.. which can be a bit annoying/aggravating for other members to read.. or maybe the language will place you within a certain demographic if you continue to repeat some kinds of expressions that might not really be appropriate outside of your demographic.. such as using "brah" as an expression... but sometimes you can purposefully use a kind of slang to make a point, too.
Regarding length, I would not necessarily recommend, and it might be better to work your way up to length if you think that length might be suitable for points that you are wanting to make.. but if you come to a post and you want to respond with two points, and then as you are writing, you realize that you might want to make a third point, but as you are thinking about the third point, you realize that you do not know exactly how the third point fits within the topic, and you consider that you don't know enough about the third point.. so you might decide that it is better to stick with your original 2 points and to leave out the 3rd point rather than to write about a point that you are tentatively not sure how it fits.. and so it may be better in certain circumstances to leave out one of the additional points because you are too unsure how it relates and/or if it relates and how to express yourself clearly on that third point if it were to relate.
"The more you keep following people you don't know when you start acting like them" this made me to have this belief that I must certainly improved even though I am not exactly acting like them.
Following good posters and learning from them, then applying it in your writing, you will improve yourself more or less.
Some ways to improve your writing:
Basically, read more, write less and write as most succinctly as possible.
Wow.. these are good links too.. especially the first one.
Personally I believe that it is better to not start topics.. but surely some members just seem to love to create topics, and then sometimes they will end up wearing out their welcome by creating so many topics that likely already exist and they could have had likely posted within an already existing topic.