I'm new and only recently heard Solidcoin even existed. Recently I found one really small exchange still trading it. I never even heard of tenebrix/fairbrix until, now. None of these coins are even on coinmarketcap and there are some really shit coins right at the bottom of it.
If there were only a few alt coins back in Solidcoin's day and quite a few seem to be dead, how many of today's shit coins will go the same way? I bet that in a year's time newcomers will never even know half of the coins on coinmarketcap today even existed.
I never heard of tenebrix/fairbrix until just now either. I think the vast majority of current coins will vanish within a year (or be so meaningless that they might as well vanish). Even good coins will probably vanish shortly thereafter. But the exchanges may keep some coins alive longer than they really should, I expect. Even now, coins that should vanish are still listed on some exchanges.... nobody uses them, they barely get any trades, but they remain.
BCX sort of answered my main question. I was less curious about the million alts/shitcoins and spamminess of the forum, and more so in regard to the general tone of the forum and overall immaturity. I guess in a forum with little to no moderation, and a topic that appeals to human greed, it shouldn't be unexpected really. It just seemed weird to me. I also agree with Igotspots ... I haven't ever seen a forum with so much hate as here before... although hate may be too strong a word. Perhaps lack of morality would be the better term to use.
the fact you just agreed with the most hateful guy in the whole scene combined with in one sentence saying you don't know what Tenebrix is
then go on to proclaim you know what the future holds for alts etc is pretty funny. lol
you picked the biggest maniac in this whole scene..
let me give you an example that went down in front of a TON of witnesses..
I was sitting on Cryptsy chat with tons of other people talking and everyone was in a good mood and it was a busy mid-day afternoon
and out of no where iGotSpots arrived and and immediately wasted no time and went off, directed at BitJohn and the rest of us sort of
by saying that.. and i quote word for word... "he was sick of helping people here and he wants to be banned for life" (from chat)
note: i have never seen him help anyone on chat before or after that incident either which is what REALLY makes that story pop lol
and i told buddy relax just hang out with us all and take a deep breath and we can all hang out and chat its cool..
and i said it in a very sincere and friendly way as i had many times before trying to place nice with him and he SNAPPED !
right in front of BitJohn (a mod) he raged on me screaming insults and finished it off by telling me to suck his fucking dick and then he left..
AND THAT IS YOUR buddy your agreeing with here..
Isolated incident ? ohhhh hell no ! that is is standard behavior and i have endless examples the guy is a spiteful extremely angry and offensive Troll
he rarely says anything to anyone but he will watch for long periods of time and then pounce on someone with vicious cut throat insults..
not contributing to any discussions in any way just lurking waiting to pick a fight basically. (while everyone else is chatting having a good time)
You say i always call people stupid everyone ? that guy invented it.. lol
i watched him do that to people on chat 100% of the time ..only other time he would talk is if i had a disagreement with someone he would jump in and start attacking me
trying to rally everyone against me proving he was there 24/7 watching it all and waiting until he had a chance to swoop down on me..
i never in one year seen him chatting in a friendly way with anyone.. he hides and then attacks people period.
and as i said on another topic he had told me on the same chat when i asked why he harasses and Trolls me non stop he said, PUBLICLY (in front of Mullick a mod)
word for word "because it's fun to get a rise out of me" now i have never said that in my life nor would i ..that is pure asshole right there !
I will never forget that day.. Rewt was there too and he was starting in on me at the same time and they were tag teaming me and when i said
to Mullick did you just see him admit it's fun trolling on me ? Mullick said no (of course) another time Mod's happened to look away from the PC screen lol ...right hhahaa
What kind ice cold malicious prick would say that AND ACT IT OUT FOR 8 MONTHS + ?
You people are either a) being suckered or b) you have no idea what is going on.. as usual.
iGotSpots and a couple of his buddies have used a common routine on me and others occasionally and that is..
they hide, they Troll, and then they say
YOU started it then here is the key part that.. he rallies people to join in with him and gang up on people
and you all fall for it time after time.. when he pulls that routine he will say your "piece of shit asshole" then 4 lines down in chat he will say
your crazy and he never even said a word ! ..which is obvious to anyone with a
scroll wheel that it's 4 lines above his last comment. lol
THAT is what you get with him.. games, lie.. Trolling AND raw unending hate ! Fact.
I have 100 million stories of that guy being a childish prick like that and i have witnesses to every bit of it too !
He pulled the attack and deny and flip it on me routine one time and i was happy because FOR ONCE someone who KNEW the truth actually stuck up for me !
What that was is there was a time when iGotSpots had again come on Crypty's chat box and was asking anyone for help compiling some code,
and i had told the guy, hey i will try and help you out if you want, i can compile what ever i want and have the tools etc..
And at the time he kept ignoring me in front of everyone (not saying yes or no) then a week later i mentioned how i tried to be nice to him and he argued
and called me a liar and said none of that even happened.. then to my shock some people stuck up for me and said actually it did all happen and i was 100% right !
I have endlessly tried to play nice or simply ignore that guy but simply put, he hunts me.
go look at the operation shit coin topic.. and you will clearly see he waits and dives on me Trolling (or occasionally other he doesn't like)
you guys are all mostly blind or are playing along with him for some reason.
Scammers and liars who scam and lie and then troll an attack and then scam and lie and Troll and attack.. get rid of them and problem solved period.
I am in no way a monster for defending myself when some guy attacks me out of the blue *again and i post proof of lies or scams etc
in return..
what everyone should actually be doing is
thanking me for exposing the liars and frauds.. not making me a monster for pointing out and posting proof of scammers.
your welcome lol