Hi so to confirm... put a new password. Then i have option to create a new wallet or recover an old one with existing seed. Well... I obviously am recovering an old one with an existing seed right? The create a new wallet option is for ppl ... well who never created a waves wallet in first place right? Just want to confirm that.
So let me get this straight. When waves used the waves lite client for a while, then we had to use the waves desktop client... i remember i had to put in a new password for the waves desktop client. So to restore my waves wallet from the waves lite client, i needed to copy and paste my waves seed right? This was a long time ago and i dont recall. And now... with this third wallet... you do exactly the same like when you migrated from waves lite client to waves desktop client?
And yes I know you are suppose to make sure to have your seed and make sure its correct and safe. So basically everytime waves gets a new wallet and the old wallet no longer works... you better make sure you have the waves seed... otherwise you are screwed? Is that all correct? So its like okay well i have my waves desktop client and password and everything. But you didn't check your wallet for many months... then find out there is a new waves wallet and the older wallet is obsolete... so without the seed... you are screwed?
It is all correct what you have wrote.
The seed is THE access to your wallet. Everyone who has the seed get access to your wallet. If you lose your password or your walletadress or have a new computer, you can always restore your wallet with the seed.
You have a seed from your old client, right? So if you use waves.exchange you go to
https://waves.exchange/sign-up (I haven't use the client, but I guess it is pretty the same)
Create a password (it can be a new one or an old one) and confirm.
Click on "Import accounts", then "Seed or key". Type your seed. If you have type the right seed you should see your Address. Click "Continue" and write an Account name (it doesn’t matter what name you choose). Click "Continue" and you are in.
The next time if you want to login, go to
https://waves.exchange/sign-in and type your password.
If you clear your browser cache or click on "Forget your password?" you have to do the whole process again (create a password, import accounts, ….). That the reason, why you have
to cherish your seed like life itself