Maybe, as technology WAVES DEX is a good and perspective thing,
but gateways, this is a centralized services, and there is possible a SCAM.
As you can see from previous my posts, now,
did one-way disabled the deposits and withdrawals UP TO AUTUMN,
and stops the trading for official fiat-tokens: WUSD и WEUR
for all holders and investors, who did buy this at rate 1:1 from 2016 year!
All this, after they did burn their pre-issued tokens.
This means, they just sell their shit-tokens for peoples,
scammed them, and now, those peoples are owning coinomat's illiquid shit.
No any answer by emails:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
more then 11 days!
No any swap's, just DUMP, DUMP, and DELISTED, and forgot about it.
So, peoples did lost ALL THEIR REAL MONEY, after just one manipulation of this scammers.
And this is possible for all associated tokens, because their gateways - this is a centralized toilet.
Primitive SCAM, this is the their goal, for which this project was been created, IMHO.
Moreover, WAVES this is an "asset-bubble" with instamine 100M Waves in the first block, and as I understanding now, this is very-very dangerous bubble,
because I lost my last $7k there, after SCAM with WUSD,
This means, this fucking bubble is inflates by stoled money, and real price of this shit = $0,
and anyone who will buy this at price higher, by market price,
will get losses in long-term, and no any warranty.
Just PR makes this trends, like for all another scam-altcoins,
price for which you can see, usually in few satoshies, after non-limited dumps,
and this price is in flat many years with $0 daily volumes of trading,
and this price not going the higher in long-term,
because really, this scam-altcoins is an illiquid crypto-shit.