Yes it is facebook and then it is added to your account, i can calculate your balance without bounty if you want if you send me your transactions.
(amount of BTC during 20% * 1.2 + amount of BTC during 10% * 1.1 + amount of BTC during 5% * 1.05 + amount of BTC in period without bonus + amount of BTC from assets swaps ) = Total BTC with bonuses, your share is your BTC * your bonus, your Waves balance = (your share/total BTC with bonuses)*85 Mil
Maybe you can confirm my math
Where did you pull that number from? It is way off. That would indicate I invested 1.2289 BTC. I only invested 1 BTC on the 1st day. So I have whatever bonus was given.
I don't know why you can't grasp that my balance has stayed the same since before I ever linked my FB page.
1 BTC + 20% first day = 1.2BTC
+ FB ( 78 Wave = 0.0289/0.00036867BTC )
= 1.2289BTC
So where´s the problem?
I'll try this one more time. I have had 3,333.xx Waves in my account for the last 3-4 days I have checked. I linked my FB page yesterday. I still have the same 3,333.xx Waves in my account. So, there were no Waves added to my account. There is no transaction and no confirmations for the 78 Waves.