Hey everybody,
I have a question : how is working the stacking with WAVES ?
Should I run a node on my server ? Or can I stack with a regular offline wallet ?
I'm assuming you mean to ask about staking and not stacking.
Stacking is simple. Just buy more WAVES!
The lite client has simple leasing functionality built right in, and to stake you don't have to run your own node. If you want to run a node and discover new blocks on the waves blockchain, you'll have to run it 24/7 connected to the network and run it with a minimum 10,000 WAVES balance. However, you can also just "lease" your WAVES to someone who's already doing that and there's no minimum balance to do so.
To lease, just open the lite client with your waves account, hit the circled L icon near the top middle of the window. You'll see three fields that apply to you. Recipient, Amount and Fee.
Once you find out who you want to lease to, (partial list of generators at
http://wavescommunity.com/leasing/) you enter the address in the recipient field, the amount of WAVES you want to lease, and leave the fee unchanged. Click on the Lease button, and boom, you're leasing your waves and you don't have to keep your lite client running for it to be effective.
Leases take 1,000 blocks to take effect, and 1,000 blocks to cancel.