Will the platform also support Dapp one day and is it basically an alternative to Ethereum? Thanks!
Last info is non-turing complete smartcontracts.
So, the answer is no, at least at the current moment.
Yes. For example, Bitcoin has non-turing complete smartcontracts (scripting).
But Sasha wants to make it very useful in opposite to bitcoin:
"we have a great roadmap for non-turing complete but very usable smart contracts".
I don't think this is bottleneck for current platform goals.
Happy to see that Ripto is finally here among us and I'm looking forward to his ANN thread. Go Ripto! You've come a long way and there's no telling the places you'll go.
Can you publish the link to ANN thread there when it come?
I can't understand what is Ripto Bux and what it's purpose.
You bet I can and will post such a link.
I'm sure Ripto will pipe up to provide his own explanation, but a quick summary for now might focus on 3 things:
1. RBX is the official tipping currency of the Tip Bot on Waves' slack channel (along with the Incent and Cryptocopia slack channels) and can and will most likely be integrated into other slack channels that want to adopt the dev's tip bot technology. If you're not already a member of the Waves slack channel you should join and you'll see how it all works.
2. RBX will be used to help establish price, value, and liquidity to new projects through a mutual exchange of tokens that will allow an RBX trading pair to be created for new coins. More information on how this all works will be provided in the Announcement, white paper, and website.
3. RBX will have the capacity to exist on both the Waves and the Eth blockchains, and the developers intend to focus on use cases unique to Ethereum's blockchain (i.e. smart contracts) as well.
That gives you a general idea as to the purpose and intended uses for RBX. Stay tuned for more.