I don't see any scam here. The only mistake they made is they rush on exchange.
Just imagine the price of waves once they trade after a functional full feature of waves platform. Lesson learn.
I agree, not only the exhange was rushed too fast, but also the "investors" are just impatiant kids that thought they would make 5x ROI in a day..
Guess what, real projects take time to be developed and this will then increase the price. Learn to be patient, it makes your life much much easier.
Will you please shut the fuck up?
Listen man, no one expected to make 5x ROI in a day. I would have been happy to simply break-even. What's up with these straw-man arguments? 5x ROI? Give me a fucking break.
At the end of the day, the ICO is an investment, not a donation. The Waves ICO sold for roughly 36k satoshi per Wave. We are currently at 27.7k satoshi per Wave. That's a loss of 23%, and this isn't the lowest point! Do you understand that people don't like losing money? It's not about 5x ROI, people lost a quarter of their investment. Most would be happy to not lose. Most of you rabid supporters have very little skin in this game. I've talked to people on Slack, PM, etc. and most are small timers with 1-2 BTC, and that's why I find it hilarious that you are so fervent to defend Waves, yet you find it apalling that people who trusted Sasha with 40-50BTC are wrong to be upset about losing 10-12 BTC? Get lost man.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Pretty soon I'll have built an application that will fix this ICO issue. It's in development now, but I've really had it. It's not a donation. I didn't give Sasha 40 BTC to enjoy himself with hookers and blow. I didn't expect to turn 40 BTC into 200 BTC overnight.
How can someone like myself, who lost over 10 BTC on Waves be expected to still have hope when the Founder continually lies time and time again about his deadlines. Full nodes in July. Full nodes in August... and now in September? Give me a break.
You guys who still support this are paid shills. I'm putting most of you on my blocklist. It's actually not that bad having lost around 10 BTC on this project. Now I know the full list of members who I will never take any investing tips or advice from on this forum ever again. Good to know who the suckers are. There's a ton of them in this thread.
But please stop with this whole bullshit of ICO investors wanting 5x profits. Most would love to have made 5%. Why else would you lock up your BTC for such a long time and not getting anything from it?
All very valid points Coinbiz, but most will call this FUD. It's like a religion to some, who just don't see Sasha is f##kin useless in so many areas. Simply too many deadlines/promises not met at all. I am astounded that this guys raised an insane amount of money, but has accomplished so little and obviously does not want to invest in his own Token. It appears he is treating this as his own Token and developing as if he is a small time IT guy trying to develop part time. No doubt he sees all those Bitcoins and is like the Scrooge.
I would have thought with so much money there would be extra programmers all working their asses off, and if that were the case this thing would have taken off.
With his rough initial rough estimate for Nodes being no where near accurate, he is either a: useless b: clueless or c: deceitful
Conbiz: I also invested a lot, actualy considerably more than you and I also get pissed off at these idiots who invested a bitcoin or two telling me to sell if i'm not happy or wait till it goes to the moon with no substance. Simply weekend teenage traders I assume. I am a big boy and know the risks of Crypto, but don't appreciate that a Dev is taking the P### with so many peoples hard earned BTC's.
Your face is all over social media Sasha, do you have no pride?