Decentralisation isn't some cool idea its now a necessary tech we need for free speech to continue in the west. Twitter and Google are showing how they can clamp down on dissent even in their own countries.
What are our current options?
As long as the Andresen/Hearn/Ver does not succeed with their disinformation campaign in convincing miners to support excessive block sizes, Bitcoin remains highly decentralized.
I think you are conceptually mixing decentralization and free speech/privacy. Bitcoin is primarily a currency, not a communication platform (although it can be and has been used for this purpose as well). There are several other decentralized networks under development which are better suited for this purpose, such as MaidSafe/Mega (both supporting Bitcoin in one way or another).
I agree that Bitcoin's privacy must be improved in the medium / long term to remain resilient against attacks by the elites in charge. Blockchain analysis, blacklisting coins and other coercive KYC/AML despotism could become a serious threat for Bitcoin's fungibility and might undermine its use.