I haven't invest in WePower but I'm planning to invest in this soon. I believe it is hard tell if this is true or not because it is only one article and one side of the story. There could also a political issue on this matter and Media nowadays cannot be trusted, they always add up a story just to make their news looks interesting.
This is the official site for The Finnish competition and consumer authority. It's not tmz... Always look at the sources, don't assume.
Here is a list of articles from reliable Finnish news sites on this company (they are in Finnish so use a translator)
https://www.kauppalehti.fi/uutiset/energiayhtio-markkinaoikeuteen-sopimusmuutoksista/vVFUDcZbhttps://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2015/04/24/miksi-220-energia-laskuttaa-sahkolaskussa-maksuturvavakuutuksenhttps://www.talouselama.fi/uutiset/hamara-sahkokauppias-yrittaa-nyt-ihan-uudella-yrityksella/0d3d099d-9987-319a-9663-4de9a5547595It is bad..
thanks for the information, i was thinking about joining this ICO, so maybe i need to have a deeper look at it and do some more research.
No problem, I think this information should be out there, it might not mean the project will fail, but it is a red flag.
80-90% ico will become scum in the next 5 years. The only question can they make u rich or it will dye faster and burn you depo;) most of them are speculation and nothing more:)
Couldn't agree more, there are some amazing projects with great teams out there but at the same time, all the bad actors are running to the unregulated crypto space. And they are giving the space a bad name.
I am worried that even though projects such as this may be scams, many are still willing to buy if the hype is high enough so they can still turn a profit off the scam. This is bad because it promotes scam ICOs and encourages companies to launch them and people to buy into them just to make a quick buck.
You just need to do your research before investing, there is no doubt in my mind that a lot of people will be left holding empty bags but a lot will also make money. Knowledge is power! I do agree that it is annoying that the unregulated aspect brings so many bad actors to this space, but they will leave once the dumb money stops pouring in. It might be a while for that to happen.