Well, the government governs so many people believe that government is here for the people's benefits and good so we cannot blame others to think that way. Besides, only rebellious people will think otherwise.
Where he would have to appreciate the free Bitcoin lecture you gave, is if in the future he needs to complete a transaction or trade across border and he is faced with huge tax charges from fiat banks. He would also understand your bid when he doesn't get a job after graduation and is forced to fend for himself.
He would also understand what you are trying to do now, if a younger one of his earns majorly from it and is doing fine.
Leave people be with their understanding, when the time comes for them to learn about same Bitcoin, I hope they would be able to afford it or grasp the concept or find someone who wouldn't charge them for the knowledge.
Bitcoin is illegal in some country,and others haven't put any stand and put Bitcoin in a gray area. I think it is not ignorance on the part of the lecturer but rather basing his belief on the standpoint of the governmnet about Bitcoin. Not because we believe in BTC we are more knowledgeable than them... that is a huge fallacy IMO.