bakkt is not like etf
an etf is where all people get to own is a share/certificate/contract
bakkt is a hybrid exchange like a coinbase/NYSE scheme. but where you can actually get coins out.
yes its like coinbase but with more to offer.
no its not like LN
bakkt offers many trade options. not just futures... but like i said "if it does as it says" then it will make things more open with different options than coinbase offers.
what else is on offer besides futures contracts? that's all i've read about, and i'm pretty sure it's the only thing planned for the december launch. that's generally what the intercontinental exchange offers: futures, options, derivative contracts.
yes, you can actually get coins out. but with bakkt, fractional reserve practices are not only possible but likely, as pointed out above.
that's the #1 reason it's "not like LN": it requires custodial trust and allows fractional reserve. bakkt will probably bring the worst of wall street to the bitcoin markets.
there are different types of "futures". some exchanges are just gambling sites where people gamble on future prices and they just get +/- fiat out if they were right or wrong. (futures derivatives contracts) where no actual asset was purchased.
but. in bakkts case the futures contract actually has to buy the bitcoin, hold it. and give it to the contractee at the end date.
as for trying to compare it to LN. that is a mega laugh.. they are 2 different kettles of fish
LN is about locking YOUR funds into a fortknox. and then play around with 12 decimal IOU promissory notes that are meant to represent what got locked. you are then suppose to spend your IOU or let others loop through you and they spend some of your IOU in one of your exit accounts(channels). and at the end of it. you can request(requiring someone elses signature) to get whatever remains out of the fortknox and back in your 100% sole possession.
remember. 99% of people are consumers not producers(merchants) so 99% of people leave LN with less than they put in
think about it like the current banking system, you put your salary in. but end up spending it and having less when days/weeks later.
LN is just a banking system for consumers to spend
BAKKT is a way to invest more easily that having to need brokers and portfolio managers.
yes its not a decentralised exchange. no one denies that. but its aimed at allowing normal average joe access to investing that is normally (in etf cases) reserved for only accredited market traders
me personally though. im happy just hoarding my coins on legacy bitcoin addresses