Run Lola Run.
Lola and her boyfriend are in trouble with local mobsters - Lola has to come up with some money to pay off the hoods by the end of the day, but she realises she doesn't have enough money and so runs to the casino down the road to place a bet with the last of her money.
As Lola runs we are treated to alternates of what happens when Lola encounters people along the way - think Sliding Doors, but much more out there.
When Lola finally gets to the Casino she bluffs her way in as she's not dressed appropriately and then talks the cashier into giving her a chip for the Roulette Wheel when she is a few (cents) short.
The Chip obtained, the bet is placed. The Roulette Wheel is spun... Lola screams... and ... (that would be telling)...
No doubts that Run Lola Run is a great movie worth watching, not once, but over and over again. I watched it several times when I was younger and was more inclined to believe in fairy tales. And today, although my views have been changed, I would watch it again with pleasure because, related to real life or not, it's a great story and fantastic movie. However, it would be wrong to say that this movie is based on gambling, even partially. The only gambling scene in Run Lola Run lasts around 5 minutes and shows not gambling as it is, but rather a craziest dream of a gambling addict. You can watch it from the link below. gambler should count on the possibility of this happening in real life. Yet, I adore this movie and recommend to watch it to any cinephile.