Mining LTC. Eguip (Titans ...I got a 3rd one) will be ROI'd in 1 month (I lost 5 weeks in LTC to get 3rd Titan)
currently with all Titans mining LTC at 1000mh and some change ..14c kwh at 4100 watts. Below calc using 4.05 usd LTC.
free calc to all get this
30 days 313.00488281 LTC 1267.67 USD Total 413.28 USD Electric 854.39 USD Profit after Electric
So it still works IF you can find a Titan and IF you can keep the hamsters happy on the little wheel that makes it go round and round
If you got a Titan for under $1400 with all cubes working, that's VERY impressive - they're normally about 2-3 times that.
Don't count the output of ALL your Titans as how long that ONE will ROI - you have to count *IT'S* output only for a fair ROI calculation.
Or are you saying that's what you earn in 30 days, *NOT* that's how long you expect to ROI your new Titan in?
Yeah you are right except I have other "angles' on the Titan in addition to ROI
1) I have 14c kwh which will change now for 6 months (June to Dec) to 14c kwh summer electric rates...THUS with at 10c kwh this last winter before things went nuts in LTC price etc and other titans etc ..was the good (now great) odds I can mine at that 10c kwh start of last year at 2900 watts or so at 700mh I heated 85% of my 3 bedroom 1920 sq ft
3 bedroom house with the Titans...and again the above 4c decrease in costs in electric...thus HOW I planned on at 14c kwh to 'outlast' all those Titans you will see (hear that sucking sound) as they are sold this Summer (or maybe not at these prices) due to HEAT and like folk have said are 19 months all them asic's at 14c kwh go to Texas (4c kwh) or Oregon (3c kwh) or overseas to china 1.5c kwh....thus want to be last man standing in Midwest....before the Titans also become 'doorstops'
2) I keep falling into cheap equipment (new Nov 2014 Titan ie a gift from the asic gods with the 75 bucks of my share of shipping for total at $1,825 bucks works full out)
3) I have 19 months of experience in running these beasts and access to other experts THUS if I do have problems (see above 19 months used) it is better (now before it was 50/50) to get it fixed at about 3 out of 4 odds imho. Also I can tell anyone who wants how to build their own titan controller (assuming you can find a cube or two) for around 225 bucks..vs the 500 to 600 a Titan board goes for on eBay see Swedish asic miner thread in search). Also titan owners left on their own now have 3rd party firmware (gen tarkin software) that I'd put up against any asic firmware and also lightfoot on this thread seems to fix just about anything you throw at him for a modest fee and if he can't fix it he does not charge you..that stacks up in my case with EXISTING ROI equipment to a pretty good deal almost as good as a 'repeat' 90 day plus warranty...imho
So the way I look at the 3rd Titan is ALL my mining can pay for it in 5 weeks..thus I LOST 5 weeks of mining to increase my hash rate by a bit..... almost 1/3 (from 700mh to 1000mh conservatively..maybe 1025mh in reality)
yeah its 'mind game' way to look at the above...but in the example of the heating of house (now electric heat from miners) vs gas my BUDGET on gas (goes yearly month by month) has dropped 45 bucks a month so that is equiv to $540 bucks in REAL $$$ for the yearly Gas budget. Add to the fact the 10c kwh from 14c kwh savings on electric for 6 months to 10c kwh that is another PER MONTH for 6 months savings on my 4100 watt miners of $118.08 at that 4c savings or for the 6 months of 708.48 over my PREVIOUS YEAR(s) at 14c kwh or there abouts...thus kinda/sorta looking at at (for the year) a savings of both on 12 months ...above and beyond expected in real $$$ of $1,248.48 (above my prev gas and solid 14c kwh year round in 2015) an almost even 25% savings I'm LOOKING FORWARD to in 2016 in real expenses ....not to mention halving is coming and price may go up too boot....this is using current
4.28 ltc price etc for the above
So R0I on the above eBay purchase at $1,825 above is below using the litecoin calculator (free for anyone to use) from litecoinpool using 325mh (does a bit more) but say 325mh
at 1150 watts (tarky titan firmware and being repasted/3000 vs 2000 rpm fan/heatsinks on dc/dc and maxumark X bracket improvement) get the below
30 days 101.72658691 LTC 435.39 USD Total 115.92 USD electric use 319.47 USD Profit per month at current 4.28 ltc and 1150 watts at current 14c kwh and current difficulty
5.71 months to ROI ...BUT I also mod'd the cubes/fan etc....say 6 months at these prices
so as you can see above everything is working out so well it is making me mine thru winter angle is looking pretty good now even with difficulty rises if price continues to creep up as well..even better
that same amount of $$$ in GPU's and an ethereum RIG COULD do better for those of you with NO equipment who want to home be fair...the dangers of that is
when will the coin go pos...but hey you can sell the gpu's after the fact at one point around 14 bucks per ethereum I think it was you could get 2x the price
out of a GPU for 1/2 the price of a 'legit priced' Titan Cube alone....
again I am in the 'situation' in that i keep bag'ing unicorns in the equip price hunts.....mainly due to 'panic' sales (march 2015 panic full titan with shipping $569 and this last one
probably a panic sale of a corp unit to pay the knc class action that was recently lost)
Also IF I ONLY HAD my original 10,131.80 4 months late the firmware did not work from knc for another 3-4 months Titan...I MIGHT HAVE ROI'd with my current winter heating the
house trick sometime in yeah.....if you go big or go asic at this point in time it is unicorn hunts imho or GPU and ethereum....
again imho you are better off buyng coin
as an example I got 1 BTC worth of LISK (6,039 lisk with bonus) at a buy it price of $415 btc...that today (on paper) is now worth 6 BTC
er somehow I think that perhaps I'm missing yet better ways to make BTC then heating my house..but you do what you know or where you started from (ride this horse till it dies kinda thing)
So anyway ...I can look at it in 2 ways say 8 months if difficulty pops and price stays the same for LTC and/or I lost 5 weeks mining to keep the hamsters in the hamster wheels turning to keep the titans to heat the house etc and better elec rate thru winter on this 3rd Titan panic sale...
addiction wise (drank the kool aid) I like the miners to play with...reality wise I would have been a lot better off sticking the 1,825.00 I had laying around in the LISK ico (ouch)
anyway my take on this...more to roi on equip then just roi on equip as it were
(again disclaimer...I really know zip and above some is dumb keep that in mind..i also at one time trusted knc and drank the bfl kool aid so easily distracted by 'bright shiny new asics...trying to now be distracted by dull,overlooked,used , underappreciated asics on ebay.....seems better odds)
as always if you have to home need something or most of the above..and likely at this late date.....GPU mining is probably the safer bet equipment wise
Also the A4 Dominator will probably be just fine etc...but then again KNC at the time was also in good shape on product and delivery..and ended up 4 months late and crummy
firmware etc.....and they had a 1 year warranty they were held crap can change on NEW chips esp the jump to 14nm..could be the same 'growing pains' so as to me
I will let you guys probably pick up a pre-order unit A4 dominator..I will simply slip in at 325mh and run with the pack ..heh
..... just saying you get say 1 unit it likely will
work out just fine...but me I'm a big gun shy after KNC so will watch this from the sidelines ..