Also KNC Titan(s) are still doing great with LTC. But it is a hard 'Unicorn Hunt' to find one at a price that makes any sense. With halving coming up that makes also such
purchases at current Ebay prices 'iffy' imho also
Etherium makes sense yet for a kinda 'hobby miner' ie at the end of it all and if you convert Ethereum to BTC likely "yet"
would get your card paid for ..for mining it 4 or more months (or look at it as less and a discount on your GPU card)
anyway bout it now imho
I spent £2k on one recently, seems a good investment, I will ROI in 6 months with the hashrate it is giving me.
I need to 'split' more of these deals on ebay with paypal and credit card protection ..and yeah they mine full out and they were NEW Titan Nov 2014 units....(really!)
Even the 'supposed' dead cube works....
Got to be corporation who pulled these for the class action and losing is my 'only' explanation...the guy in question did not seem to know zip ...probably just told
by a biz/corp to move it they can recoup their lawyers (1.5k non refundable on loss) and the 3.5k plus is paid to knc for claims/legal fees cause they win.
I mean I hear 'rumors' that knc is going thru the individual cases in Swedish Class action with Judge one by one on the class action (how it is done in Sweden) and winning...and this 'pops up' seems damn likely imho. The timing seems right. Also heard of another few cubes going 1 x 1 recently too ..same kinda and unused but parted out.
Have not have anyone fess up that they got took by KNC and lawyers for an extra 5k or so......yet To confirm such that is.... but then again I'd probably not confess to 'losing'
another 5k to KNC on the loss like this either.
Anyway this may go down as my best ever deal lifetime for eBay score EVER! Again this was split with a buddy. I got one of the 2 (new) Titans for $1,750 usd
(not like it is a big secret ...from eBay sold link..for everyone to see.......but then again still kinda shocked it was not a box of rocks
Pays to be dumb and lucky sometimes (its a skill) And you got to love that credit card and PayPal protection on eBay....even if it had turned out to be a 'box of rocks'