Do you have concerns about animal abuse by eating meat or using animal products?
Do you feel strongly that it is your right to eat meat?
I am trying to become vegan now and it is my personal choice. Before, I eat fish, meats and processed food a lot and I thought I can't live a day without eating them and because of that, in my early age, I got cyst on my left breast. I do not blame meat and fish alone but my bad eating habits. I am reaping what I put inside my body and I regret it. Now, I realize that at the very beginning, when Adam and Eve is still in the Garden of Eden, they only eat vegetables and fruits by then, Man only start eating meat and fishes after the flood because during that time, earth was wipe by the flood. Besides, fruits and vegetables has the enough nutrients our body needs to become healthy. As what the quotation says, "prevention is better than cure". The advocacy of vegan people to protect animals is good. I guess, if you are a meat and fish eater, you will not consider that eating them is not an animal abuse but if you will widen you perspective, considering that those animals has their own family and they have right to live as well, you will realize that it is a form of animal cruelty as well. Trying to become vegan will not just protect the welfare of animals but also can protect yourself from the bad cholesterol you can get in eating them.