Case in point:
I'm from the USA, but not just the US... I'm from the South where there are tendencies to be way more conservative in ideologies and on top of that, way more religious (Christian). The people I have come across that has heard of bitcoin tend to 1) not understand it; or 2) fear it. They don't really take the time to learn about it, because it is so revolutionary and goes against the status quo, and since they tend to be more conservative, want to stay with what's the norm and believe that nothing can beat the Dollar because of the "'Mericca! Fuck yeah!" thinking people here tend to have.
People also fear it, because a lot of people that I have talked too have this belief that this is the sign of the "rapture" or "Armageddon". If you don't understand or have read the bible before, there is the "book of revelations" that say one of the signs to tell Armageddon is around the corner is the establishment of a one world government and a one world currency, which obviously bitcoin looks to be that currency. So I get people saying to me all the time that I'm supporting essentially Armageddon to happen, and that if I keep "going down this road" that I'm "going to hell".
So yeah, it's a little frustrating trying to talk to people about this kind of stuff here because of the lack of knowledge about what Bitcoin could bring to the table as an economic savior.