Can anyone confirm if this is a scam or not?
I'm truly sorry that when Admin threw the company name out in chat... I didn't copy it down.
Hit up the "Support Chat" when it shows up or put in a ticket to Admin for that information. Please be sure to post it here when you get it, I just haven't remembered to ask when Admin's been on. Thanks!
It's all papered in Brazil with the authorities, registered properly, taxes paid. They're willing to set up tours for anyone that can come by. Pictures go up with the new website soon and advertising is slated for Monday when Beta ends. Only thing that will delay the launch would be security concerns.
Anyone here a miner of scrypt coins?Ya know that 200+mhs datacenter/botnet that connects to a couple coins at a time? Yeah, that's these guys.
Scrypt.CC?ref=baagt (Income is scarce where I live so please use my link if you're going there. Open a free account and watch!
I saw this screw up the difficulty for my tiny miner when I was mining doge coin. Saw it affect the profits of a lot of other miners as well. Everyone was bitching about it.
Scrypt.CC?ref=baagt has 3 data centers now. They're in the process of filling the 3rd dc and at last count had already assembled over 500 of the 2,000 rigs the building will hold. They mine several of the most profitable scrypt coins at a time. The software switching checks profitability of each coin ever minute. The mining pool switches coins as soon as a more profitable coin is discovered.
These data centers are just going to get larger and their hashing power is amazing. I for one am glad I can profit from scrypt coins without a miner.
I've been in chat a lot for the last 6 weeks and talked with Admin here and there. I helped out so many people that when I applied for a job, they hired me... I start on Monday.
I've worked for shady companies before I found out they were shady and they all had the same feel. I don't even get a whiff of anything like that from my conversations with Admin, not even a dot out of place or an uncrossed t so far. Overestimates release dates.... yeah.
but honestly so.
NO CONTRACTS! What Do You Have to Lose?Life is a gamble, even when you don't get out of bed... Scrypt multi-coin mining done right is very low risk compared to alternatives at the moment.
Throw $10-$20 at it and watch for a few days... Monday I think the pricing goes up but not sure. You have until then and even after as prices fluctuate. Sign up for free and just watch and see
See You There!!
Keep it Clean! Coins are exchanged for BTC and deposited to your account every 10 minutes. Awesome!