Are you serious man? They can't spend all days in sad mood? And don't you give a fuck when your brothers and fathers are in a terrible war?
Those with fathers and brothers at war don't party. I know a lot of such people from my close circle.
So, those who party don't have any relatives directly at war.
At the end, if I am Ukrainian in war and I fight but morons party all the time and live a wonderful life, fuck that war, I would only protect my family members, not others.
yeap, so what we're doing. But you can't protect your family without fighting russians at the battlefield.
Sure, apologize for not being more specific. I mean some people who got Ukrainian passports because of their spouse, etc and weren't giving a fuck their citizenship are now using it as an advantage. You can get UK citizenship and then reclaim your original citizenship in your country. This procedure is usually done by the citizens of post-soviet Union countries.
I doubt that there significant amount of such cases. It's very hard to get ukrainian citizenship even with ukrainian spouse. It's not Israel case, anyway.
For the land that government owns? For the life where you lose a hand, leg and live on a minimum salary? Patriotism is truly killed today and not even appreciated.
Maybe in Germany yes, but in Ukraine it's different at the moment. As we say,
"you're not a 100 dollars, you can't be loved by all around". But most of ukrainians value our soldiers.
I don't understand what's the motive of Russian soldiers who are in a war against Ukraine for no reason while their wives are banged at home by random dudes at their home in their bed
Because this is nation of slaves. After Imperial times, after USSR, after putin's era they can't not obey direct orders from higher up.