I live in Germany and Ukrainian "refugees" who came here, those who are rich and wealthy, party all the time, you can't even notice here that there is a war between Russia and Ukraine.
Are you sure that they only "party all the time"? People can't spend all days in sad mood. You're helping through donates and maybe volunteer work, then you go to chill a little. This is how it's going.
But anyway, there really a lot of people who used this terrible war to emigrate to the EU.
For what? Ukraine is one of the most corrupted country. Rich and wealthy people, business owners and corruptionists and their children and family members will not war, they will get a business class ticket and leave the country with their wealth, they'll continue their comfortable life and they won't feel the negative effect of war, they won't die in this war.
Wrong. I know a lot of businessmans who are at war now (not oligarphs, but owners of small and medium business). And a lot of wealthy people staying here. Some of them with their families.
After a little time, this war will end and you know what? You will be dead, people in the government will negotiate with a happy smile on their face, shake their hands and continue good life. When you are in war, you are protecting business owners, criminals, people in governments, rich, wealthy people while you are poor and dying for nothing.
Man, tell me for honest: You are using your grandfathers propaganda letters?
My point is that you should only fight and protect your family members and close friends, not others.
Yep. Most of ukrainians fighting for their families, or for the reasons that russian soldiers couldn't come to their homes. Again, because they're not rich to flee if it will be needed. Fight or die.
It's really pitiful when I see some part of Ukrainians are fighting for these wealthy morons who got shelter here and in some other countries and go to the beach, don't miss a parties while their brothers are fighting.
You can punch such people in the face in your Germany.