In this case is it possible for gambling platforms to provide stop gambling services to help gamblers reduce their desire to gamble, as in the context of cigarettes, every tobacco company always provides smoking cessation services either by telephone, clients who want to quit smoking can be given counseling and guidance, as well as referrals if you need follow up.
I think how if the Platform/gambling company has a stop gambling service that is very good and helps gamblers who want to stop.
I know this will backfire on the gambling platform, but in retrospect, if this is implemented, it is a so wise move.
What do you think about this?
Do you really think those services from tobacco companies are gonna work? I'm not sure either, but I don't think it'll work. Those services were created just for the "extra mile" so people would think that these companies doesn't look really really bad at all. It's funny coz even in the cigarette packs, they have these campaign that says cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health and throw some graphics of a sick person. It's really funny coz that's not even gonna work lol.
I thought the same goes for gambling. The only thing that'll work 100% is when a person decides to stop gambling on his own.