and by the time I woke up in the morning, it was complete mess again.
This is why I am taken to reporting egregious users' post histories as opposed to hunting for shitty threads. Merit was an improvement but any improvements come with a time lag: you can conflate a similar analogy of sticky prices with post quality because spammers need to be "shook out" of the forum. My goal at the time was not necessarily to ban users, but to wipe a significant chunk of posts to point toward their behavior as a wake-up call. I could only imagine the impact if, for your deleted posts, you also had the merit removed!
*In contrast, when you're peering through boards and threads themselves, you could very well participate in a shit thread and contribute some substance, although the likelihood exponentially decays against the increasing post count. Another scenario too would be the constant answering of simple, generic, and vague questions in threads posed by "Newbies". I liken this behavior to that of stalking the Lending, Scam Accusations, or Investor-games board and posting your typical
no collateral/no evidence/warning ponzi reply which takes minimal effort beyond being the fastest.
Given all the amazing benefits that scammers, trolls, and spammers have on the forum, a smart account farmer could use any combination of tactics: creating Newbie accounts to ask idiotic questions with premade answers, creating troll accounts to post in the previously-mentioned copy-paste reply boards (
like the style of this user), making obvious ponzis or scams to call them out, or participating in fake discussions (which is probably part of the megathread problem). What
can't scammers do? They have all the privilege on the forum. Seriously.
*it really shows when you're able to pick out a user that posted a one-liner and see that their entire post history is the same, for multiple consecutive pages of consecutive posts.