I think it's agriculture.
Global warming is affecting all parts of the world today.
Biotechnology and bioengineering.
Your answers are better than mine.
Global warming is a bit of a myth, as the evidence seems to support the fact that we are entering into a new ice age. These are part of the natural cycles of the solar system, and this will cause some major problems and redistribution of wealth.
On a 10,000 year scale yes. But humans broke out of that natural cycle through deforestation, industry, agriculture and greenhouse gas sources like transportation. Now that we've passed 400ppm CO2 I find it more relevant to step inside a greenhouse or take a look at Venus. As the sunlight absorption increases, temperatures rise, relative humidity increases, and the air gets more humid. This is bad because water vapor is a greenhouse gas that absorbs sunlight (i.e. clouds make the planet heat up). Ice core data in the last century shows record high greenhouse gas levels, and we've destroyed most of the forests and ocean flora that has historically absorbed excess carbon. But yes, if humans went extinct tomorrow and the Sahara desert disappeared overnight then we would probably enter an ice age. But if you include the last century of data then deserts will continue expanding and temperatures will continue rising. I would like it if consumers and governments shifted agriculture from fertilizers & pesticides that take carbon out of the ground, to fertilizers & pesticides that take carbon out of the air.