
Topic: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)? - page 5. (Read 43299 times)

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
I would assume UTC receives public funding. Doesn't supporting or rallying against people in a run for public office with an organization that receives public funding violate election laws?

Laws are violated only if the people in charge of the laws say it is the case. Until then, this cancer will keep spreading...

I don't know if you think you are telling me something I don't know or what... but regardless this can be used to put pressure on schools trying to prohibit what amounts to purely political speech. One things schools respond quickly to is liability, much more than PC issues. IMO this should be looked into.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
I would assume UTC receives public funding. Doesn't supporting or rallying against people in a run for public office with an organization that receives public funding violate election laws?

Laws are violated only if the people in charge of the laws say it is the case. Until then, this cancer will keep spreading...

Law school professors say posting ‘All Lives Matter’ flier was an ‘incident of intolerance’

Earlier this month, someone left a hand-written flier on the door of a faculty member’s office at American University’s Washington College of Law that read, “All Lives Matter.”

It didn’t go unnoticed.

That phrase — to some, code language for a racist rejection of an important cultural wake-up call, for others, an idealistic appeal for a simple, more universal truth — set off a series of reactions.

A large group of faculty were offended, saying the phrase was used by white supremacists. Students held a community forum.

And a couple of professors on a national civil-rights commission asked the dean, incredulously, “What is wrong with your faculty and staff members?”

The variety of responses, and their intensity, illustrated how fraught the topic of race is on campuses across the country, how divisive, and how alert people are to differences.

Last year, the slogan “Black Lives Matter” spread nationally after several black men were killed by police in circumstances that touched off controversy and protests; the phrase became for many a symbol of a nascent and powerful civil-rights movement.

After spring break, Washington College of Law Dean Claudio Grossman wrote to the law school community to tell them of the “very disturbing incident.”

The flier was left anonymously on the door of the office of a faculty member “with a national reputation for doing important work on issues of racial justice in the criminal justice system.”

Grossman wrote that, “Although the phrase ‘All Lives Matter’ may sound benign, it sometimes has been used as a rallying cry by some groups who oppose the Black Lives Matter Movement and seek to silence it.”

Scores of faculty signed a letter decrying the flier, writing, in part, “… the message appears intended by the messenger to be an attempt to silence and intimidate an opposing viewpoint, not an effort to communicate a different perspective.

“… The ‘All Lives Matter’ sign might seem to be a benign message with no ill intent, but it has become a rallying cry for many who espouse ideas of white supremacy and overt racism, as well as those who do not believe the laws should equally protect those who have a different skin color or religion.”

Then two members of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights — speaking as individuals, not for the commission — wrote to the dean.

“The response of American University faculty and staff was nothing short of Orwellian,” Gail Heriot and Peter Kirsanow wrote, in part. They also wrote:

    “Nearly sixty members of the law faculty and staff signed a letter calling this an ‘act of intolerance,’ because it refers to ‘all lives’ rather than only ‘black lives.’

    “This makes American University look foolish.

    “Even sillier, the letter calls this obviously true statement — that the lives of all members of the human species are valuable — ‘a rallying cry for many who espouse ideas of white supremacy.’

    “While we know that President Obama has stated that ‘all lives matter,’ we are not personally aware of any cases in which white supremacists (a rare species these days) have made that statement.

    “Equating a student making a legitimate and utterly unobjectionable point with a white supremacist is nonsensical.”

(Obama, in explaining why he does not think the phrase “Black Lives Matter” is offensive and that he does not think the protesters are suggesting other people’s lives don’t matter, said in October, “I think everybody understands all lives matter.”)

By phone, Heriot, a professor of law at the University of San Diego, said that when she saw the letter from the professors, “My reaction was that this was — quite outrageous. I just wish that people in positions of authority, like members of a law-school faculty, would try not to make things worse by engaging in name-calling of this kind.

“I thought this was an occasion upon which I really needed to say something. If nobody talks back — things just spiral out of control.

“Lawyers need to be trained to deal with situations with sympathy for both sides, understanding the argument on both sides. And to accuse someone of making such an unobjectionable statement as being allied with white supremacists is over the top.”

It’s a sign of the times, she said. “I don’t think this would have happened 30 years ago, or five years ago. The world is getting more politically tribal. It worries me a lot. I’m not just seeing it in this instance but in  many situations,” she said.

A spokeswoman for the law school said in an emailed statement: “Our response to this letter is everyone is entitled to his or her view, including two of the eight members of the Commission. The school has already expressed its view.”

Last week, students held an event promoted as a “WCL Community Town Hall Meeting addressing ‘All Lives Matter.’ ” Students from the group that organized it and from the Black Law Students Association did not respond to requests for comment.

“The letter sent to our community following the original event was overwhelmingly well received here, and students sympathetic to the letter organized an open forum in March that went very well,” the school spokeswoman wrote. “There has been no other issue on this topic inside the law school during the last month.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
sjw stands for Social justice warrior. it is a pejorative term for a person expressing or promoting socially progressive views, including advocacy for women's rights and civil rights. The phrase originated as a laudatory term for those engaged in social justice. Smiley Smiley

Activity: 17
Merit: 0
sjw stands for Social justice warrior. it is a pejorative term for a person expressing or promoting socially progressive views, including advocacy for women's rights and civil rights. The phrase originated as a laudatory term for those engaged in social justice. Smiley Smiley
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
I would assume UTC receives public funding. Doesn't supporting or rallying against people in a run for public office with an organization that receives public funding violate election laws?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Cancer. Spreading.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Jesuit University Moves to Fire Conservative Professor Over His Political Views

Marquette University has moved to suspend and then fire Professor John McAdams for backing a student who tried to defend man-woman marriage when a leftist teaching assistant shut the student down.

In the fall of 2014, junior faculty member Cheryl Abbate told a student, who secretly recorded the exchange, that his defense of man-woman marriage was an unacceptable topic in her ethics class and compared his views to racism. She said, “You can have whatever opinions you want but I can tell you right now, in this class homophobic comments, racist comments, and sexist comments will not be tolerated.” And then she told the student he should drop the class.

On this very popular blog, Professor McAdams outed the incident and charged the teaching assistant with “using a tactic typical among liberals now. Opinions with which they disagree are not merely wrong, and are not to be argued against on their merits, but are deemed ‘offensive’ and need to be shut up.”

A firestorm ensued that pitted the academic freedom of McAdams against the leftist pieties of the officially “Catholic” institution.

The teaching assistant is said to have gotten mean emails, though she was hailed as a liberal hero and went on to a tenure track position at another university. McAdams was brought up on charges.

It was announced this week that a “diverse” faculty committee recommended to the university president that McAdams be suspended without pay from April 1 through the fall of 2016 and that he lose his job unless he admits “guilt” and apologized “within the next two weeks.” Specifically, the demand is “Your acknowledgement that your November 9, 2014, blog post was reckless and incompatible with the mission and values of Marquette University and you express deep regret for the harm suffered by our former graduate student and instructor, Ms. Abbate.”

The ever quotable and crusty McAdams compared the demand to the “Inquisition, in which victims who ‘confessed’ they had been consorting with Satan and spreading heresy would be spared execution.” He called the demand a violation of “black letter guarantees of academic freedom embodied in University statutes.”

He also charges the university president with dishonesty since the faculty panel did not require such an admission of guilt or an apology. McAdams said such a statement from him would amount to a “loyalty oath” and he says he will not submit.

He also referred to Marquette’s “Catholic mission” as nothing more than a “marketing gimmick.”

Breitbart News Daily - Professor John McAdams - April 1, 2016

Activity: 17
Merit: 0
A social justice warrior reads an essay about a form of internal misogyny where women and girls insult stereotypical feminine activities and characteristics in order to boost themselves over other women.

The SJW absorbs this and later complains in response to a Huffington Post article about a 10-year-old feminist's letter, because the 10-year-old called the color pink "prissy".

Commnter: "I don't like getting manicures. It's too prissy."

SJW: "Oh my god, how fucking dare you use that word, you disgusting sexist piece of shit!"
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Jesuit University Moves to Fire Conservative Professor Over His Political Views

Marquette University has moved to suspend and then fire Professor John McAdams for backing a student who tried to defend man-woman marriage when a leftist teaching assistant shut the student down.

In the fall of 2014, junior faculty member Cheryl Abbate told a student, who secretly recorded the exchange, that his defense of man-woman marriage was an unacceptable topic in her ethics class and compared his views to racism. She said, “You can have whatever opinions you want but I can tell you right now, in this class homophobic comments, racist comments, and sexist comments will not be tolerated.” And then she told the student he should drop the class.

On this very popular blog, Professor McAdams outed the incident and charged the teaching assistant with “using a tactic typical among liberals now. Opinions with which they disagree are not merely wrong, and are not to be argued against on their merits, but are deemed ‘offensive’ and need to be shut up.”

A firestorm ensued that pitted the academic freedom of McAdams against the leftist pieties of the officially “Catholic” institution.

The teaching assistant is said to have gotten mean emails, though she was hailed as a liberal hero and went on to a tenure track position at another university. McAdams was brought up on charges.

It was announced this week that a “diverse” faculty committee recommended to the university president that McAdams be suspended without pay from April 1 through the fall of 2016 and that he lose his job unless he admits “guilt” and apologized “within the next two weeks.” Specifically, the demand is “Your acknowledgement that your November 9, 2014, blog post was reckless and incompatible with the mission and values of Marquette University and you express deep regret for the harm suffered by our former graduate student and instructor, Ms. Abbate.”

The ever quotable and crusty McAdams compared the demand to the “Inquisition, in which victims who ‘confessed’ they had been consorting with Satan and spreading heresy would be spared execution.” He called the demand a violation of “black letter guarantees of academic freedom embodied in University statutes.”

He also charges the university president with dishonesty since the faculty panel did not require such an admission of guilt or an apology. McAdams said such a statement from him would amount to a “loyalty oath” and he says he will not submit.

He also referred to Marquette’s “Catholic mission” as nothing more than a “marketing gimmick.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

SFSU 2016 - Campus employee assaults white student for "cultural appropriation"

Published on Mar 28, 2016

Occurred at San Francisco State University on 3/28/2016.


Black student who attacked white student for his dreadlocks is under investigation

San Francisco State University said it’s investigating an altercation captured on video Monday that appears to show a black female physically attacking a white male because of his dreadlocks.

Though the school didn’t identify the students in its Tuesday statement, it said neither is an employee.

That appears to be in response to early-morning claims on Twitter that the black woman is Bonita Tindle, whose LinkedIn page says she’s an intern for both the campus Women’s Center and Associated Students Inc., the student government.

The 46-second video uploaded Monday by Nicholas Silvera, which also claims the black woman is a “campus employee,” shows her interrogating and even grabbing a white man with dreadlocks, and later hitting another man who was filming the incident.

    @SFSU IDK if you are aware, but an employee of yours, Bonita Tindle recently was on camera assaulting a student based on his race.

    — Jimmy Russells (@JimmyRussells5) March 29, 2016

Already shared widely on Reddit and 4chan by Tuesday morning, the video features the woman and a black male standing with her repeatedly accusing the white student of cultural appropriation for having dreadlocks.

The white student later identified himself as Cory Soulr Goldstein, a local DJ, and laid out his allegations against the woman in a series of comments on his Facebook post.

The video begins with the white student immersed in an unwanted conversation with two black students about his choice of dreadlocks as a hairstyle.

“You’re saying that I can’t have a hairstyle because of your culture,” asks Goldstein.

“Yeah,” responds the woman, telling Goldstein that the style is a uniquely African tradition.

“‘Cause it is my culture,” the woman responds when asked why it offends her. “Do you know what locks mean?”

“Do you know how it was in Egyptian culture? Are you Egyptian,” Goldstein asks the woman incredulously. “Nah, brah, you’re not.”

Goldstein tries to get past her but the woman catches his sleeve and drags him back.

“You put your hands on me, you’ll learn,” says the woman, apparently suggesting that she could accuse of him of assault.


“You’ll learn what?” says Goldstein. “Whether you’re going to [inaudible] what kind of hair I have? That’s no reason, yo. I don’t need your disrespect. I don’t need your disrespect.”

When he leaves the conversation again, the woman turns on the bystander filming the argument.

“Come back- Why are you filming this?” the woman asks the cameraman.

When the cameraman responds that he is filming “for everyone’s safety,” the woman abruptly grabs for his camera, where the footage stops.

Even ‘Chocolate Rain’ maker is throwing shade at the woman

Goldstein wrote on Facebook that he has filed a police report with campus police, but isn’t pursuing criminal charges. He said the altercation extended beyond the 46-second clip posted on YouTube, with the woman threatening to “cut my locks off too among other verbal assaults.”

“I never feared for my safety, I just don’t like being grabbed and pushed,” wrote Goldstein in a Facebook comment later on Monday.

The video was so compelling that Tay Zonday, the YouTube personality and maker of the early viral video “Chocolate Rain,” weighed in with his criticism of the woman.

    View post on

The university said in its Tuesday statement that while it “promotes the rights of the campus community to engage in free speech,” it does “not condone behavior that impedes the safety or well-being of others.”

SFSU will “promptly and thoroughly investigate this incident through applicable University channels, including our campus student conduct procedures,” it said.

Some users on Twitter sounded their disbelief in the woman’s actions.

    @SFSU Please rectify the situation, as a current student, I feel very unsafe on campus now, knowing employees can act like this.

    — Jimmy Russells (@JimmyRussells5) March 29, 2016

    Somebody put their hands on someone else because they were wearing "their hairstyle"

    End of necessary analysis

    — Vernaculis (@Vernaculis) March 29, 2016

Goldstein and Tindle have not responded to requests for comment from The College Fix.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

SFSU 2016 - Campus employee assaults white student for "cultural appropriation"

Published on Mar 28, 2016

Occurred at San Francisco State University on 3/28/2016.


Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
“Amazon has a history of doing the right thing and removing sexist merchandise,” UltraViolet’s co-founder Shaunna Thomas said in a statement.

sr. member
Activity: 269
Merit: 250

A progressive women’s organization leading the charge against Donald Trump is demanding that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos remove the Republican presidential front-runner’s menswear line from his website.

The group UltraViolet Action recently launched a petition that has reportedly attracted more than 36,000 signatures and calls on Bezos to reject Trump’s “racism, sexism and xenophobia” by discontinuing the availability of his clothing line in Amazon’s marketplace.

Trump’s name is currently attached to more than 30,000 products on Amazon, though not all of them are owned and manufactured by the Trump Organization. In addition to dress shirts and ties, “Trump 2016” bumper stickers and knockoff “Make America Great Again” hats are currently for sale.

“Amazon has a history of doing the right thing and removing sexist merchandise,” UltraViolet’s co-founder Shaunna Thomas said in a statement.

She continued, “Donald Trump has promoted violence at campaign events, stoked the fires of sexism and racism in America and espouses a political philosophy that borders on fascism [and] these values have no place on the Amazon marketplace.”

Here's the co-founder of "UltraViolet Action" - what a crock. These people are so deluded and out of touch with reality...

Meet the rest of the crew here:

Activity: 1819
Merit: 5547
Neighborhood Shenanigans Dispenser
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

A progressive women’s organization leading the charge against Donald Trump is demanding that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos remove the Republican presidential front-runner’s menswear line from his website.

The group UltraViolet Action recently launched a petition that has reportedly attracted more than 36,000 signatures and calls on Bezos to reject Trump’s “racism, sexism and xenophobia” by discontinuing the availability of his clothing line in Amazon’s marketplace.

Trump’s name is currently attached to more than 30,000 products on Amazon, though not all of them are owned and manufactured by the Trump Organization. In addition to dress shirts and ties, “Trump 2016” bumper stickers and knockoff “Make America Great Again” hats are currently for sale.

“Amazon has a history of doing the right thing and removing sexist merchandise,” UltraViolet’s co-founder Shaunna Thomas said in a statement.

She continued, “Donald Trump has promoted violence at campaign events, stoked the fires of sexism and racism in America and espouses a political philosophy that borders on fascism [and] these values have no place on the Amazon marketplace.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Social justice warriors are racists who hate free speech

Published on Mar 18, 2016

This exchange highlights three traits that are prevalent amongst social justice warriors;

1) They don't believe in equality.

The film maker's free speech is immediately disqualified and the woman attempts to no platform him because he doesn't agree with her politically and is a white man.

2) They don't believe in free speech.

The woman tries to impose her own authoritarian code of conduct on the man in order to silence his First Amendment rights.

3) They're racist.

The white woman rushes to the aid of the Mexican woman, presuming that she is unable to defend her political ideas on her own because she is a minority. This is the bigotry of low expectations.

Activity: 1512
Merit: 1000
Students at PRINCETON wants Black ONLY  areas because they want a free space to separate from all other races.

If they get thet free space they asking for probably some other SJWs going to protest because of racial segregation.
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