I've been watching some poker tournaments with Antonius, Negreanu and Cates lately. Most of the time the person with better combination actually wins, but there occur some great bluffs from time to time as well. Do you think it is better to fold if you don't have at least one high card in a pair or two cards of the same suit? Is it worth to try out overbetting tricks when you really have shitty cards? When I tried playing poker, overbetting usually made me fold, because it is a hard psychological attack for me and I am not the kind of a person that is willing to risk a lot. But I am bad at poker. What is your opinion on this matter?
It all depends on the level of the game you are playing as well. If you are playing against noobs and you level is much higher than their levels than bluffing at times could work out for you since you would probably win more times than they would and that would cause them to fold when you bluff with nothing in your hand.
Moreover, if you are playing on a table with much better players than you than I would suggest playing more conservatively, in the end the blinds will go up and if you do not ever go in the pot you will lose your money slowly by just blinds and whenever you get in they will know you have something in your hand (since you didn't get in without them) and they might just fold and eventually you will lose all your money without winning much.
So, all you have to do in that scenario is to make them think you are even worse than you are and get in on a bad hand thinking you have a shot at it, you will know you have no shot at it at all but they will think you have no idea what you are doing, bet on small pots and try to lose some knowing you will lose and make the pro players think you are losing quickly, and when you have a good hand you will get into it and they will have their hubris thinking they are so good and you are so bad and they will get in on it thinking once again you have a bad hand but you will beat them this time. That will put them off guard and you will have a shot at it.